Yey, 4 Tegoshi/Massu drabbles!
Author: puddingfiend
Pairing: SuShi! (Tegoshi/Massu)
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Rating: PG-ish
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this story. The way I portray them most likely does not reflect the way they act in real life.
Tegoshi always wondered if there was some meaning behind all the attention he received from Ryo. Whenever he went to sit down on the couch in their dressing room, minutes later, Ryo would be next to him, sitting a little closer than friends normally would, casually placing an arm around his shoulders. Not wanting to be rude, Tegoshi would usually just sit there and act as if nothing was wrong, despite his stiffening body.
There were other times when Ryo would do things such as offerring to take him out for a meal or walk him home or take him shopping. Tegoshi never minded and always took Ryo up on his invitation, but it was during those times when they went out for lunch or dinner, when Ryo tried to feed him and get him to say “Ahh..” that Tegoshi began to grow suspicious. When they walked back to their apartments together, Ryo would hold his hand protectively and make sure that he himself was the one walking on the outer side of the sidewalk, and not Tegoshi. Ryo would always offer to pay for Tegoshi’s clothes whenever he invited him on a shopping date, and despite the number of times Tegoshi said he was fine with paying himself, Ryo ended up doing so anyway, saying that he wanted Tegoshi to have those clothes since they looked good on him.
Tegoshi had finally decided to corner Ryo and ask him what was going on.
“There’s no reason behind it. I just like spoiling you. Why?”
“Oh… I just thought that you…”
“That I what? That I was in love with you or something?”
Tegoshi felt his cheeks pinken. Ryo always managed to hit the dot on these sort of things.
Ryo laughed and smiled, patting Tegoshi on the back. “I’m not the one who likes you.” He turned his head around and focused his eyes on a boy sitting on the couch, who seemed to be in the middle of eating a bowl of noddles. “He is.”
The Bowtie
“Oohh… looking snazzy,” Tegoshi said, as Massu came out of their dressing room, clad in a sharp looking tuxedo, ready for their next photoshoot. He even had a top hat on and a matching cane. The only thing that ruined the image was the short, black silk ribbon hanging around his neck. “Your bowtie…”
Massu smiled nervously, his eyes disappearing, as scratched the back of his head. “Yeah… I couldn’t figure out how to tie it. I thought these things usually came pre-tied.”
“Let me try doing it.” Tegoshi motioned for Massu to come towards him. Taking the two ends in each hand, he eyed them for a moment, deciding how to go about it. His dad had shown him how to do it once before, and he scrunched his head in an attempt to remember.
Meanwhile, Massu was trying to mentally stop his heart from beating to quickly. Tegoshi’s face was a little too close to his. Not that he minded.
Tegoshi brought the two ends of the silk this way and that way, crissing one over the over, making a small tuck, while trying not to choke Massu, only to find, at the end, that he had made something not even worthy of being called a tie.
“Erm, let me try that again,” he laughed nervously.
He untied the ribbon, this time, bringing the other ribbon on top first and looping it under. After a series of crisses-and-crosses, he furrowed his eyebrow and smirked as he stared at it. It somwhat resembled a bowtie, but Massu couldn't go out onto the set with it looking like that.
Several tries and a tight tug later, Tegoshi stepped back, admiring his work of art. A perfectly tied bowtie.
He srcunched his eyebrows, as if he noticed sometime wrong with the bowtie, and leaned in to fix it.
Massu found himself holding his breath as Tegoshi’s face came nearer and near, wondering what was going on when Tegoshi didn’t touch the bowtie at all and instead brought their faces so close that their noses were touching. They stood like this, staring into each other’s eyes, and what Tegoshi did next was the last thing Massu had expected.
He gave Massu a quick peck on the lips, grinned, and skipped away, leaving Massu standing there with delightful shock, a dreamy smile forming on his face, and a perfectly tied bowtie.
The Model Boyfriend
Tegoshi could sense something was wrong with Massu.
Massu had been extra clingy and affectionate for the past couple of weeks-not that Tegoshi minded the clingy-ness. He loved it, being showered with warm kisses and hugs, cuddling every moment they could… It just seemed that there was a reason behind all the additional attention Massu was giving him, other than wanting to be a caring, loving boyfriend, of course.
Tegoshi decided to bring it up during one of their snuggling sessions on the couch of their dressing room. “Massu, is there anything wrong?”
Massu shook his head, resting it on Tegoshi’s shoulder. “Of course not.”
“It’s just that-not that I’m complainging or anything-it seems like you’ve been a little more physical than usual.”
“Physical? You mean like working out?”
“I mean…” Tegoshi brought his arms around Massu in demonstation and pulled their bodies closer together and placed several kisses next to his lips. “That kind of physical.”
Massu went red. “O-oh…”
Tegoshi was staring down at his lap. He never felt comfortable talking about these kinds of things. “Is it because you want to take things to the next level?” His voice was hesitant. “Well, we have been going out for the past few months, after all, and I guess it’s normal for couples to be doing these things this often. It’s just that I’m not used to-”
“It’s Nishikido-kun!” Massu blurted out, refusing to meet Tegoshi’s eyes. “I know you two have been hanging out a lot lately and…” His voice dropped to a trembling whisper. “I just don’t want you to leave me for him or anything. I know I’m no match for the Sexy Osaka-”
Tegoshi started to giggle. “Ryo’s just been asking me for advice.”
“Love advice.” Tegoshi saw Massu’s confused face and continued to explain. “You can’t tell anybody this, but Ryo’s in love with Uchi! He’s been meeting up with me a lot to get some tips on how to get Uchi to like him back.”
Tegoshi nodded his head. “He’s actually been asking me what you do to make me happy.”
“No way…”
Tegoshi laughed. “You’re his model boyfriend.”
An Added Bonus
“Tegoshi… you promised to unbury me when you’re done, right?”
“Yup!” Tegoshi grinned and continued to pat and smoothen the layer of sand surrounding Massu’s head. He had spent the last half hour burring Massu in the sand, claiming that they needed something to do while the others were finishing up taking their individual shots on the beach.
“There! All done!”
Massu watched as Tegoshi stood up and dusted the sand off of him. He attempted to move his arms and legs and suddenly realized that there was no way for him to get out unless somebody unburied him. A small wave of panic came over him when he saw a wicked smile playing on Tegoshi’s lips. “You’re not going to walk away and leave me here, are you?”
Tegoshi stroked his chin, looking down at him. “Hmm… I dunno,” he said sarcastically.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Don’t worry. I’ll unbury you in a couple minutes,” he assured him. Tegoshi layed down in front of Massu and patted the top of his head, smiling. “Besides, I have you in the position I want you in. Completely stuck and unable to run away.”
Massu gulped nervously, not sure where this was going, but his heart began to beat rapidly when he saw Tegoshi inch towards him, closing the space between their faces. When he finally realized what was going on, he closed his eyes and felt Tegoshi’s lips on his seconds later, his whole body reducing into a gooey puddle of happiness at the heart-fluttering sensation, though his sand-stuck situation left him a little frustrated.
Tegoshi pulled back a moment later and licked his lips.
“You know,” Massu began. “You didn’t have to go through all the trouble of burrying me just to get a kiss.”
Tegoshi smiled, poking Massu in the nose. “I know. I just thought your head would look cute sticking out of the sand, but being able to kiss you like was an added bonus.”