When I got my camera the camera store gave me 20 free prints every month for the next year.
This was a good challenge cause I didn't really make it to 20 printable photos this month. I made up numbers with a lot of shots I took in Morocco instead, somehow the woman helping me with the computer order form thingy could tell the photos were from a point and shoot even though she only saw thumbnail size shots, the 'Oh, I didn't realise these were from a point-and-shoot" comment she made definitely had a subtext of "Oh, I didn't realise you were mentally retarded"
But I have prints, which is very exciting. I can't really remember the last time I printed out photos, now I have a digital frame it usually seems like too much effort and it's not like I am about to take up scrap-booking just to have a place to stick my pictures. But it is very nice to be able to handle the pictures and seeing them printed is different to on screen.
P.S. The feeling I got staring at all those pretty lenses in the store while waiting for my prints was a little like watching porn, you know you have better things to do with your time but you keep on staring and feeling mildly guilty. I shouldn't be thinking about a new 50mm lense, I can barely afford to buy dinner, but I want one, and a polarising filter, and a 10-35mm lense, and a fish eye lense, and, and, and...