Title: Missed Moments
Words: 100
Rating: PG
Author’s Notes: This timing of this is a bit vague, but sometime before the epilogue Ginny and Harry are at Hogwarts and Harry tries to fulfil one of his teenage fantasies
‘Harry, someone is going to notice we’re missing’
The broom cupboard smelt, even with her nose buried in Harry’s hair she couldn’t get away from the overpowering apricot smell of Mrs Scower’s All Purpose.
Harry’s hand spread over her lower back and tugged their bodies closer together. Somehow, one of the mops got knocked over and fell against Ginny’s calf.
‘Making out in Hogwarts broom cupboards is a right of passage, we’re making up for the moments we missed during the war.’
‘Harry, couldn’t we make moments at home, in bed? Where no one will get hit with a mop?’
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