"the war" is on pbs. Tom Hanks has a good narrating voice.
Our bathroom is done. The kitchen is still 1/2 done. I don't think we're going to move in until at least the livingroom floor is done. That way iggy can have the whole house.
I don't know if you've ever watched/heard Flight Of The Conchords, but if you haven't you really should. I've been watching it when ever we go over to Dan't parents house because they get HBO, but there's a few videos on youtube also. They have my dream job.
The reason all of my recent entries have been titled: one, two, three, etc., well, because they have to be for my class. I kind of like it anyway
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I start my 4th grade field study on wednesday. I go to a fourth grade class from 8:45-11:45 and well, I;m not really sure what i'm going to be doing. I know I won't be sitting in the back of the room taking notes the whole class, but that's about it
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