i think im bipolar. lol

Sep 04, 2005 14:37

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Would halothehedge go out with karmelskye? I guess. I don't think he knows her.
2) What exotic animal would babblhamstah08 like as a pet? Me?
3) Would you set up halothehedge and brokenchain789? ... no.
4) What is socratia's favorite color? Green maybe?
5) Do you have a crush on babblhamstah08? yep
6) What rank would socratia have in a giant robot army? Bruiser
7) What song/movie would you recommend to brokenchain789? Track 8 of the MSI cd.
8) Does digitalflattery have a big secret? probobaly
9) Do you think alabama_cutie21 is hot? Everyone else does, she is my sis' friend and i can't think about her like that
10) Would rawdestruct and pause_rewind look good together? maybe.
11) Is mind_the_misses popular? Yeah.
12) Does pause_rewind do drugs? I highly doubt it.
13) Does brokenchain789 know alabama_cutie21? yeah.... just maybe
14) Are rawdestruct and digitalflattery going steady? no
15) What word best describes rawdestruct? JOSH
16) How tall is mind_the_misses? ummm, higher than 5'0 and shorter than 6'0
17) What mental disorder does iamconan remind you of? Nikki is her own disorder. lol. IT'S BISCUITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18) What is mind_the_misses's favorite game? WoW?
19) If sqwirl and templeofpoon were spliced together, what would be its name? Rephan
20) If mind_the_misses was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Me. :)
21) What comic book character would thecattyson be? Thor. No question.
22) What would mind_the_misses give pause_rewind for his/her birthday? I have no clue.
23) Is templeofpoon athletic? ... i guess.
24) What color should digitalflattery dye their hair? pink. reallly pink.
25) If babblhamstah08 took over the world, who would be happy? me.
26) Where was onewaydude born? alabama i think
27) Is kafkacement an emo? no
28) What would babblhamstah08 think of sqwirl? she thinks he's cool
29) How long have you known x13leafcloverx? since he started working at krystal
30) What do you disagree with mind_the_misses about? smoking
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