Well, lucky me. I'll no longer be a desperate law-breaker...

Nov 09, 2006 12:03

First thing I saw when I logged onto yahoo this morning, and I just had to share....

The link to the article in question can be found here.

If you're lazy, the full text of the article can be found...

Thursday November 9, 11:34 AM Singapore may legalise anal, oral sex for heterosexuals
SINGAPORE, Nov 9 (Reuters) - Singapore is considering decriminalising oral and anal sex between consenting heterosexual adults, but not between homosexuals, official documents show. The Ministry of Home Affairs on Thursday posted a public consultation paper about proposed amendments to the city-state's penal code, Singapore's primary criminal legislation.
"We intend to repeal s.377, rescoping it such that anal and oral sex, if done in private between a consenting adult heterosexual couple aged 16 years old and above, would no longer be criminalised," the paper said
Currently, section 377 of the Penal Code "criminalises all forms of carnal intercourse against the order of nature, other than vaginal intercourse".
The paper makes no mention of the decriminalisation of oral and anal sex between men.
"Homosexuality is not widely accepted or tolerated in Singapore," the pro-government Straits Times quoted a home affairs official as saying on Thursday.
Under Singapore law, a man who is found to have committed an act of "gross indecency" with another man could be jailed for up to two years. Despite the official ban on gay sex, Singapore has a thriving gay scene.

I had no idea... oops.

Updated article here
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