(a)re you a guy or girl? girl
(b)efore you took this, what were you doing? reading all of kati's answers because shes my favorite =)
(c)an you touch your nose with your tounge? i sure can, and i dont cheat and push my nose down to my tongue like all you losers do.
(d)o you have any pets? yup, my dearest fat April
(e)nergetic or calm? a mix of both.
(f)ight anyone lately? no, but ive been threatened to be fought with.
(g)ood grades or bad grades? great, i totally forgot about report cards untill you asked that question... now i have to sit and worry
(h)ave you ever smoked? ew. gross. no.
(i)n skool, you are... counting down the minutes untill lunch.
(j)elly or peanut butter? peanut butter. yummm.
(k)illing is... necessary to rid of those annoying people in our lives =)
(l)ove or lust? loooooove
(m)ore money or more free stuff? money. free stuff always sucks.
(n)o friends or no hair? wow thats a really hard question. but i think i wouldnt HAVE friends if i didnt have hair...
(o)utgoing or shy? shy at first, then outgoing.
(p)eople are _____ to you... nice?
(q)uilt or blankey? blankey
(r)aspberries or olives? =O i love them both. but ill go for raspberries.
(s)een any movies lately? watched Steel Magnolias last night. i cried.
(t)omorrow you will... clean a lot.
(u)sually you... are really really bored and sit on AIM all day.
(v)ery little times you... exercise.
(w)hen your home alone you... turn every light on and every TV so i dont feel alone.
(x)rays or pictures? honestly, who likes xrays? there ARE other words that start with x's you know...let me pull out my dictionary and tell you. xerography, xanthine, xenia. duh you are such a retard how could you miss those wonderful words?!
(z)ebras or cows? cows.
A - Age: 15
B - Best Quality: ummm.... im nice?
C - Choice of Meat: chicken. yummm.
D - Dream Date: geez i dont need to think of some "dream date" right now im just worrying about actually getting just ANY date.
E - Ex (most recent): no one. ok well technically it would be Zack Z, but i never really liked him at all. it was all ashley roth's fault.
F - Favorite Food: bread. not like sliced bread... but the good bread.
G - Greatest Accomplishment: i organized my closet a few days ago =D
H - Happiest Day of Your Life: anytime ive been really hungry, then ate a big meal. that is always really happy for me.
I - Internal Conflicts: "... what if i just accidentally shot her?"
J - Jail Time: im in jail right now. i still have 144452255 years to go.
K - Kool-Aid: yummm.
L - Love: "is a many spelnded thing love, lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love!"--moulin rouge
M - Most Valued Thing I Own: my dear cell phone.
N - Name: ausu
O - Outfit You Love: my birthday suit. =D
P - Pizza Toppings: cheese, pepperoni, and olives.
Q - Question You Want To Ask: why on earth do you have to like HER?!
R - Road Trip: woohoo?
S - Sport To Watch: baseball... yummmmy.
T - Television Show: degrassi. does anyone know when the new seasons gonna start?
U - Unique Habit: sometimes when i look at colorful things, they look yummy to me. like... i want to eat them.
V - Voice: i like the way i sound in my head, but not how i sound in real life.
W - Winter: burrr. coldness.
X - X?: geez, you are truly pathetic.
Y - Your Name If You'd Been Born The Opposite Sex: im pretty sure i still would have been ausu.
Z - Zodiac Sign: aquarius
My Faves....
* TV theme Song: humm... idk
* Spice Girl: Posh Spice =D
* Backstreet Boy: Brian. i hate Nick.
* Fruit: either a mango or a plum
* Teacher: mrs. frazier was pretty awsome. i miss her.
* Day of the Week: saturday
* Candy: snickers.
* Disney Movie: alice in wonderland. i dont care if the man was on drugs when he made it.. its still my favorite
* Thing in Your Room: my nice organized closet =D
* Rapper(s) and R&B singer: me. im a gangsta yo.
* Restaurant: panera bread
* Actor/Actress: JOHNNY DEPP/nicole kidman
* Songs: tooo many.
* Celebrity: JOHNNY DEPP
* Animal: ive grown fond of sea otters.
* Radio Station: all of my XM radio. i love it mucho. XM 22
* Drink: sweet tea.
* Thing to do on Weekend: sleep.
* Season: spring.
* Number: 78456698749523355. ok not really. i just made it up.
* Characteristic about Yourself: my tongue is pretty cool.
* People to talk to: alyssa, mark, kristen. they always make me smile =)
* Sport: tennis.
* Movie of all Time: moulin rouge. benny and joon.
* Perfume/Colonge: lilu.
* Toppings on Pizza: cheese please.
* Sesame Street Character: GROVER!
* Song Lyric: anything they sing in Moulin Rouge =D
do you believe in?
* God: yup
* Aliens: .. theres GOTTA be someone else out there.
* Yourself: eh, sometimes.
* Heaven/Hell: yes
* Love at First Site: im sure its happened before.
* Do you Have a Religion: uh huh.
My Future
* If you could have any Occupation: child psychologist
* What's Your Dream Car: cute little mini cooper
* If you could Live Anywhere: with JOHNNY DEPP! =)
* Dream House: JOHNNY DEPP'S house.
* What Age do you want to get Married: 25ish.
* How many Kids do you Want: 4
* Girl's Names: chloe, kara, roxie (yes i would name my child roxie)
* Boy's Names: idk. itll probably just be the dads name w/ a jr at the end
Have You Ever...?
* Given Money to a Bum: yes
* Named Your Goldfish: yup. my first fish was named maestro
* Gotten in a Car Accident: yuuup.
* Sat through an Entire Dawson's Creek Episode: gross. no.
Things to make You think
* If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring 3
things...what would they be?: food, phone, a cute boy =)
* Where were you when you found out OJ Simpson was innocent: how should i know?
For Girls...
* Do you prefer Guys With or Without Hats: depends if they look good in a hat.
* Facial Hair: not anything major.
* Do you prefer guys with or without Boxers or Briefs: does it matter really?
* How often do you REALLY shave your legs: in the winter i never do =D
And for the Guys...
* Do you Prefer Girls With or Without Makeup:
* Do you prefer girls with Long Hair or Short Hair:
* Why do you wear your Pants so Low?!?:
Nightie Night
* What do you Wear To Bed: a huge tshirt and underwear. got a problem with it?
* What's Your Bed Time: whenever i decide im tired.
* Do you Wish on Stars: once i did. then i gave up.
* Is there a TV in your Room: nope =(
* What's the Last thing you do Before you Fall Asleep: make up stories in my head.
* Person who knows the Most about You: alyssa probably.
* Who do you talk to on the Phone the Most: alyssa.
* Parents Married/Divorced: married.
* Any Siblings: 3 sisters.
* How many Schools have you been to: 7
* Do you get along with your Parents: for the most part, yes
* Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
* Craziest/ Funniest Dream: a vampire came to my house (which was a grocery store) and asked for a drink of milk
* Would you rather be Hot or Cold: cold. you can always put more on.
* What is your Curfew: i dont have a life, therefore i have no curfew
* What is your Favorite Halloween Costume of all Time: i think alyssa once told me her mom was a condom... but i dont remember.
* Do you Play any Musical Instruments: sometimes i play piano.
* Talk Shows = Real or Fake: what?
Silly Stuff [You're almost done!!]
* Do you Glow in the Dark: i wish i did.
* Do you Possess Magical Abilities: im secretly pschic but no one believes me
* Do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer: yes. is that bad?
* Can you name all 4 Teletubbies: Tinky Winky, Dipsy, LaLa, and Po
* If there were a 5th, what color would it be and its name: it would be pink and his name would be Stevie.