48 random "reminder why you love my icons" stock icons inside!

Feb 24, 2014 16:32

Hey puka_pudgers! Wow it's been awhile, huh? Sorry I haven't been around. I'm doing well, life just doesn't leave me much time to make icons anymore. I haven't touched any sort of photo editing site in months and months. Okay, well maybe just instagram (guilty), but that's about it! :P I wanted to make you guys a new batch, but I need to refigure out how ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

snookielove February 27 2014, 05:39:29 UTC
Lovely, as always! I love your icons :) Saved a few.

I'm glad you're doing well! It's good to see you back!


spike7451 February 27 2014, 11:05:37 UTC
Good to hear life is treating you well. :)


ragdoll230 March 1 2014, 01:22:45 UTC
Good to hear from you! Hope everything is going well. I took #8 and will credit, thanks.


kame_kiyumi March 2 2014, 04:57:16 UTC
Thank you for sharing them~
its been some time~ :D
hope you're doing well~


heyurs March 8 2014, 15:55:44 UTC

Wheeeeee! Thank you! *tacklehugs*

Hey Sweetie! Did you get my PM? Good to see you! ♥


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