Well... Sophia seems to be having that problem with that one person, and who KNOWS who's reading our entries. There's no real way to know, unless we get super paranoid and somehow stick invisible visitor trackers on our LJs.
Yeah, random people reading our ljs is a problem. I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with that issue. If I were to get really paranoid, all of my public entries would have to be vague, which wouldn't be very fun and then there wouldn't really be any point for posting them in the first place. I'm going to go w/the semi-protection for now, and in the future I may go to friends-only.
Ouch... And I thought changing my 30+ posts to friends-only was tough. It got really annoying when some person who thought I was someone else was commenting, and when a friend of a friend posted comments as if s/he knew me as well.
Yes, that would be strange. At least the only person who commented anonymously on my LJ was Grace, and I'm perfectly fine with that. But that might not be wholly a good thing.. other people could be reading WITHOUT commenting O_O
Well what's the point of moving when I might not even post here, eh? And it'd be too big of a hassle moving; I'd had to move all my customizations and my friends would have to re-add me.
ehehehe... this is the same gork_literatim who deleted the journal and started a new one. Um... yeah. Just to let you know. I added you to my friends list, btw.
Comments 15
Um. Bill? Feel like elaborating on the above comment? What stalkers???? AHHHHHHH!!!
I know how you feel about the embarassing old entries...I found myself cringing a lot also as I changed my entries one by one.
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