Nov 16, 2009 18:47

NAME: Leah
AGE: 20!
JOURNAL: hotforbabyleg
IM: pudenda express
E-MAIL: gorillaforsandracing AT gmail dot com
RETURNING: I am returning! And play deathdeals, frobocop, saylikewhat, and fromyourbones.

CHARACTER NAME: Riful of the West
FANDOM: Claymore!
CHRONOLOGY: I'mma be taking her from what's pretty much her most recent canon appearance; namely, when she's pulling her own little Black Knight impersonation in front of Alicia, starts crying, and then, momentarily, gets her ass saved because Alicia starts going batshit.
ALTER EGO: If actually asked by anyone to give a human name, she'll still be going with Renee Westing! Durr hurr hurr it's ironic because she ripped a girl named Renee's legs off.

Claymore is set in a namelesss, vaguely medieval world where demons, aka yoma, terrorize the countryside and eat people. However, that shit was not going to fly with the people of this country, so in order to destroy the yoma they created Claymores--female warriors named after the swords they carry, who've been imbued with yoma flesh and blood in order to have the strength and speed to fight and kill yoma. However, using their yoma energy is a double-edged sword; if a Claymore activates over 80% of it, she will "awaken" and become an awakened being, a monster with even more power and reasoning skill than the standard yoma, but just as much hunger for human guts. Except that the heroine, Clare, is able to pull herself back from the brink of awakening, but hurr durr I'm not here to describe the plot. In the entire history of the Claymore organization, which appears to span almost 80 generations, there have been three Claymores who were ranked #1 and then awakened, and they are near-legendary figures, referred to as Abyssal Ones. Each of them, at the beginning of the story, has long since laid a claim on one section of the island continent they live on. The Claymore organization is situated in the East, Isley lives in the North, Luciela lives in the South, and Riful lives in the West.

Riful was #1 in the first generation of female Claymores; initially they were male, but apparently awakening is just like a big ol' orgasm and the men could resist it even less than the women, so after their first generation they switched to girls. That single male generation is where Isley and Dauf, Riful's giant and hideous boyfriend, came from, by the by. Initally, the Abyssal Ones weren't very active at all; they lived by themselves in caves and ate people, hence the abyssal part, leaving Claymores and each other in peace. A few years before the story began, however, there was another awakening: that of Priscilla, the 2nd-ranked Claymore of her generation. Despite the fact that she was never number one, her power exceeds that of any of the other Abyssal ones, including Riful's--her mental state, however, is regressed to that of a small child's. When she brought her little killing spree to the North and encountered Isley, he realized that she would completely slaughter his ass unless he got down on his knees and pledged his loyalty to her, so he did it. Unfortunately for Riful and Luciela, the seeming addition of Priscilla to Isley's harem of bitches completely unbalanced the happy gut-eating harmony which they had formerly lived in. Riful immediately decides to start adding to her allies in order to combat this. And for Riful, getting allies means kidnapping Claymores and horrifically torturing them until they awaken.

When Riful is first introduced, that's exactly what she's doing, along with Dauf, who I really can only describe as a borderline retarded manchild. She is attempting to force Jean, number 9 of the organization to awaken; however, Clare and Galatea, another Claymore, manage to save her and hold their own against Dauf. Once things start to get really bad for him, however, Riful reveals her true form and saves him. Instead of trying to awaken them, she decides that it would be more worthwhile to let them become even stronger and end up as even better allies. Seven years later, Clare encounters Riful again; this time, she's looking for Claymores who can read yoma energy (aka youki) exceptionally, and she's been disappointed by the two she just found, so naturally she's going to tentacle-rapily torture them into being her allies. I mean, that's just how she rolls. The other Claymores manage to rescue them, and Riful is not pleased. In exchange for the promise of considering becoming her ally, however, she's mollified, and she gives Clare information about Isley and Priscilla. When Clare tells her that she's considered and decided against it, Riful tries, of course, to grab her and make her suffer; unfortunately, to her great irritation, Clare and her comrades escape, leaving her empty-handed.

The next and latest time we see Riful, she's captured another Claymore, named Renee, who excels at reading yoma energy, and she's torturing her a la Boxing Helena. Riful reveals the reason she needs Renee; there is no way she can possibly defeat Priscilla on her own, but if she teamed up with the other Abyssal One, Luciela, they might have a chance. Unfortunately, Isley realized this too, and he killed Luciela. However, Luciela and her sister, Raphaela, live on in something that I can really only refer to as Twinfusion McHorriblething. Riful wants to wake this amalgation up, but she can't do it with physical force--their energy is too entwined--and she wants Renee to do it for her. Currently, she's still at this point in canon; however, the Organization has been creating Abyssal Feeders, mindless creatures which track the scent of and feed on Abyssal Ones, and they kind of... just killed and ate Isley.

And that is where my background ended the last time I apped her, because at that point that was her current position in canon! Now, however, more shit has happened to her!

As Renee, with no other choice available to her, begins to try and stimulate Twinfusion McHorriblething, it begins to respond to some outside stimulus; at the same time, Clare storms Riful's hideout, and Dauf runs upstairs to confront her. Riful follows Dauf and restrains him physically while telling him, again, what a moron he is for hulking out inside the castle; upon hearing that three "women in black" were present, however, she recognizes who was there and goes out to settle the score between them! As a giant naked tentaclelady, because that is how she rolls! Before she can fuck with Clare's shit, however, she notices that her captive's presence has disappeared; Renee has taken a pill to mask her youki, having already reattached her legs, and is running for the hills. Riful and Dauf go after her, and Clare ventures into the bottom of their castle to rescue the presence she's feeling there... which is Twinfusion McHorriblething. Good going, Clare. After some shenanigans within the remainder of Raphaela's consciousness which don't concern Riful and therefore I will not go into, Raphaela and Luciela Awaken into one giant... thing. From a distance, Riful and Dauf observe the Awakening, and Riful considers challenging it while it's still weak enough for her to stand a chance; before she can actually do anything to it, however, the Abyssal Feeders that I mentioned before crash their party, jump all over them, and start... feeding. On her arm. And Dauf's arm. And part of her head. They're only guides, however, for Riful's real opponents; Alica and Beth, numbers one and two in the Organization, who are here to kill Riful and chew bubblegum, and are all out of bubblegum.

Alicia and Beth are a successful version of Luciela and Raphaela's failure; identical twins, they are able to synchronize their energy to the point that Alicia can fully Awaken, but still be in absolute control of herself and return to normal, while Beth just kind of stands around and maintains the balance. As Twinfusion McHorriblething messes with Clare and her gang's shit, it does this thing where it... basically shoots out bolts of flesh/matter that end up turning into little Awakened beings; both Riful and Dauf, whose chances of winning against Alicabeth are already questionable, get hit by a bunch of them, and are damaged to the point where neither can maintain their Awakened forms. Riful runs off, attempting to drag Dauf to safety, but they're both ambushed by more Abyssal Feeders. And they eat another one of her arms, which at this point she can't even regrow. :( POOR BABY. Beth has been hit by another one of the monsterbolts, however, and she begins to lose control and completely Awaken; Alicia, who is not really thinking all that clearly at this point, apparently decides that it's a great idea to slice the fuck out of the Abyssal Feeders, then slice the fuck out of Riful. So she does this! Except that just as Riful is certain that Alicia will, in fact, kill her, and is actually crying tears of RAAAEG and Dauf is trying to save her out of looooove, drama, etc., Alicia suddenly just... Awakens and leaves. Because Beth is now being attacked by Priscilla. And Priscilla is here to kill Aliciabeth and chew bubblegum, and is all out of bubblegum. And Riful knows that it is Priscilla! And is appropriately horrified. That is where our story ends.

Outwardly, Riful has a playful, almost childlike persona; she makes jokes and teases her opponents, and treats almost every obstacle she is brought against in a lighthearted fashion, because she knows from experience that there is very little she needs to take seriously. Riful is used to having and using incredible power--canonically, there are only four (if you combine each set of twins) characters who pose any serious threat to her--and that power has gone a little to her head. She's self-aware enough to know her limits, but because she knows those limits she goes into battle without even the slightest expectations of losing. Because she's so self-assured, Riful isn't as subtle as she could be; in a world without any Claymores or Awakened beings to challenge her, chances are she'll eventually feel no need to mask herself or her intentions. She's also deeply self-centered; her ultimate goal is always her own gain, and the only way to keep Riful from taking what she wants, other than being more powerful than her, is to convince her that it would be more beneficial to hold off. Riful is a woman of action, and if she makes a threat, she will follow through on it, though she also likes to play with people. She uses her little-girl demeanor to disturb others, but beneath that facade she's a deeply calculating, intelligent, selfish force, and she sees little reason to cover that up. Which is why I was so crap as her last time! I just... didn't do anything with her that would move her out of the cutesiness, so I'm hoping that now that the tentacle monster is out of the bag, I can stop with the cute/creepy veneer and get down to business! (TO DEFEAT THE HUNS.)

There is little in Riful's life that involves any emotional investment; her life revolves around power and its manipulation. This doesn't mean that she won't grow fond of people eventually; she shows liking for other people, especially if she thinks they'll be of use to her. It just means that she feels no real reason to keep anybody around. Dauf, her boyfriend and right hand man, is a pretty good example of this--Riful refers to him as "her man" and seems to be genuinely care about him once the going gets rough, but that doesn't mean she'll actually demonstrate that under normal circumstances. It's a slippery slope, since Awakened beings can and do feel affection, as Isley and possibly Luciela illustrate; Isley appears to be genuinely in love with Priscilla and friends with Raki, although he knows that their family structure is a false construction that can only last so long. Riful, however, shows none of the hesitation that Isley does; though she's also capable of it, under less dire circumstances than those of the latest chapters, she's loath to show any affection at all. She saves Dauf when he's about to be killed, because she needs him, but she doesn't hesitate to let him get his arms and hands chopped off, or to have Jean blast a giant hole in his body. She cries when he attempts to sacrifice himself for her sake, and she drags him away from the Abyssal Feeders even though he's begging her to leave him behind and save herself, but at the same time she's very very tsundere about it! Like, for example, telling him to shut up saying that once he heals she's going to beat him up even worse than Aliciabeth did. :( It's also important to remember that this is pretty much her only meaningful relationship, and she's known him for hundreds of years; she doesn't reach the point of that grudging affection easily at all, whereas Isley cares about Priscilla and Raki after a much shorter amount of time--about twenty and seven years respectively. Basically, what I'm trying to convey is that despite her capacity for love she's mostly a sociopath! Other people's pain doesn't matter to her in the slightest, as long as they remain useful and, you know, alive. She's an amoral character, but she's also rather proud, and she doesn't like being bested. Riful has a farily showy sense of presentation, as well, although the ways she expresses it are pretty horrifying; the way she tortures Renee demonstrates that well enough.

Basically, Riful's way of relating to others is summed up like this: nonhumans can either be her allies, neutral factors, or obstacles to her goals. Humans are food. She also has a low tolerance for nonhuman beings that spend their time protecting humans; she sees it as blind and foolish. Clare, the protagonist of Claymore, is basically the only Claymore ever to come into the organization voluntarily; everyone else was orphaned or sold into it, and this was probably true of Riful as well. We know that she became a Claymore at a very young age, as Galatea calls her the youngest Claymore ever to be ranked #1 in the organization--if her humanoid form is any indicator, she might have been prepubescent. And the organization used her, like they use all the girls who become Claymores, until she became uncontrollable. Riful sees it as the organization's fault that she is the way she is; although she's happy with the outcome, she's still very aware that they screwed her over and continue to do so with other girls. She has no patience for Claymores who are still loyal to humanity and consider themselves humans; in Riful's eyes, they're just monsters in denial, with nothing to do but awaken. Humanity is going to shun them forever, so why should they pretend to be a part of it? Although part of her motivation for this line of reasoning is, of course, self-centered (BECOME THE MONSTER YOU TRULY ARE!!!!! and then work for me okay), there's also some genuine resentment behind it.

As an Awakened being, Riful's little-girl form is not actually her real body--when she's fighting at full power, she's basically what you can only describe as a giant naked lady made out of what Wikipedia calls "fleshy strips" but which are totally tentacles. She uses them to grab and impale her opponents. She ridiculously fast and strong in this form, and she's also very hard to kill; it's not so much that she's invulnerable or regenerative as it is that her most vulnerable parts are extremely hard to target, and most people either don't get close enough to try or can't recognize where they are. In addition to this, as is the case with every other damn character in Claymore, she can detect if there's any funky shit going on with someone's energy when she's near them, but she's not very sophisticated at it. It's also completely possible to conceal one's energy in the Claymore universe, so it's a tough call on whose presence she'd be able to "see" and whose she wouldn't, and that is why I got me a permissions post!


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