there are 7 levels of "reality"
we are currently experiencing the 3rd
there are many more levels of consciesness
you can reach many of these levels through the folowing:
- mediation
- marajuana
- mushrooms
to begin...
the "jello theory"
- 1st- Moving into the next level of reality has nothing to do with
space or
you go through not into or around
- 2nd-its not bad. there is no "hell"- you start over but you hold
your same attributes.. and only knowledge beyond your physical
-there is nothing to be scared of .. at least in the beginning.
- 3rd- as far as i can grasp.. you can either just BE .. you experience .. and live but your not physically wanting or needing anything.
you take on routines and patterns like you do here.
(you create a new reality)
- 4th- when you first get there its like being "welcomed home."
- 5th- you leave your physical body behind. (you dont own a physical being in the same sense)
further...(this is the current idea im expanding upon.. all of this is still in progress)
- this means you dont have the same senses or nerves.
- - you cant see, hear, touch, smell or taste.
- - you dont have to nourish yourself in a physical way, by eating, drinking, sleeping or medically
- -just because you cant SEE or feel a physical being doesnt mean you dont have one.
- - you create new senses.
- -- you can still FEEL the things around you through sense.
- - you cant physically feel them because you dont have nerves but you know that their there.
most importantly so far:
- you can still communicate
- you cant talk because you dont have vocal cords without your physical body.
- your "6th sense" so to speak is extremely high and sensitive.