I know you probably won't be able to read this until you return but i'll do it anyway because I feel guilty that you managed to find time to make a pimp post for Rei and I couldn't even write you a birthday post. : ( i'm sorry about that, I know how much you treasure personal messages but it never really occurred to me that you'd be sad living in a place you don't know by yourself in your birthday. I'm just so used to you always away and dealing with things so efficiently and stoically by yourself that I forget you can be so vulnerable when alone.
I (and all of your other friends) love you for more than 10 reasons, but I will settle for the 10 very important ones.
10. We love you because you're funny, because your humor is self-deprecating and it's hilarious. We love that you have really amusing quips and how you can come up with the funniest lines even in the direst situations. We love, that you are unintentionally funny, you don't even try and yet you deliver so well. You can go from intelligent to slapstick to strange without batting an eyelash.
9. I love that you're just you. That you don't try to hide yourself, that you say what you want and get away with it. I love that words don't get you down, that you move on with your life no matter how hard the situation you are facing is. I love that even in blogs, you're you, harsh, biting, creepy, annoying yet so infectious. You make even the wrong things you say feel right, I love that you don't feel the need to hide your true self even if it means that some people might not easily accept it. I love your "Not my problem" attitude.
8. We love that you're a baby-face with chubby cheeks, it's like Massu with Tegoshi's personality. Except that you don't possess any sporty skills and you'd rather die than sing, dance, wear sparkly clothes. It's cute.
7. We love that you volunteer, that you do not get paid like normal people and your allowance can barely cover transportation and yet you manage to survive and still fangirl like there's no tomorrow. We love that you feel the need to give out, to help, to make things better for others. I can't do what you can do even if I wanted to, I can never go as far. We love that you don't turn people down when they need you to help out. We hope that you never lose your altruistic view on life, that the need to serve that is instilled in you may never waver. We love your forever facebook, friendster, myspace, multiply, any other peronal website status.
"I'm going to try and save the world even if kills me, but i'll start with my country first"
6. I am selfish, I love that no one knows you as much as your best friend and I do and I want to keep it that way. I'm scared that someday, someone will realize how much of a gem you really are inside that rough exterior and that someone will take you away. I feel that you're not meant for one person because your view isn't even focused on people but on the other things that composes life. Like M said, you are selfish when it comes to other things, but selfless when it comes to yourself.
5. We appreciate that you're (surprisingly) sweet and unaware of it. I don't even think you're aware of how sweet you can be, we like that you tend to notice the small things instead of the big (and mostly unimportant ones) like buying a whole year's supply of baby toiletries for no reason than "Oh, it was cheaper to but by bulk" even when you don't really need to. Or the fact the you seem to have an uncanny ability to remember everyone's birthday and special occassions. We love the fact that you buy band-aids for cuts we don't even notice or have people deliver pizza in out houses out of the blue for no reason other than you feel like it.
4. I love that you don't backstab people, that you don't feel the need to bring others down to make yourself feel better. I love that you go your way even when everybody else is taking a different route, I love that you don't care about people thinking that you are weird or strange or sadistic. You can accept harsh comments without feeling the need to reciprocate or take revenge, I envy how easy it is for you to take everything in stride and still come out untouched and glorious.
3. We like that you are so sarcastic without being hurtful, and manipulative without being bitchy. I think that's real talent. One which I can't explain.
2. Something WE ALL hate: We hate that you keep to yourself, that you'd prefer to be alone than be with us, we hate that you say you're okay when you're obviously not, that you don't hide anything EXCEPT what you really feel, how do you expect people to help you when you don't let them in? We hate that you keep your feelings/disappointments to yourself and prefer to be indifferent when you're actually hurting. We also hate that you'd prefer people to treat you like a casual acquaintance rather than a friend. You're not someone anyone can forget easily because you leave a lasting impression.
1. Belated Happy Birthday Sweetie, I know i'm late and it won't mean as much as when it's posted on your actual birthday but I really do love you more than any other childhood friend, neighbor, almost sister, BFF 's i've had, we have 15 years of friendship under our belt and despite our differences, we're still here and we're still the same two people we were when we were kids. We're not walking the same road anymore nor are we beside each other like we always were but we still belong in one family and families are forever.
Anytime you're sad and alone and feel like emo-ing you can call me or M and we'll make you laugh, we're not you so it won't be as funny but we can remind you of all the wonderful things we shared and the important things in our lives that we treasure.
Take care sweets~ I'm hoping you won't even forget to take your medication, you're two plane rides away far!!