"...that kind of humor, you know, when you savage another human being."

Feb 15, 2006 00:03

Thank you, Senator Alan Simpson, you totally made my night.

Let's see how this goes.

Well, first off, let's just pretend the first half of February never happened. This is now some sort of new pseudo-month between February and March. The beginning of February is a tragic story full of pain that I'd rather not go into detail about. I'll give you a peek: this happened.

Moving on...

Actually, that's rather apt. In more than a few ways.

Lately, I feel like I've been on edge. I've always been trying to find myself, my identity. I used to think I had it figured out, finally. Without getting complicated, let's just say I realized lately that's not really true. I've been very introspective as a result. I wasn't happy with my place among my friends and classmates, which led to not being happy with myself.
While I've lightened up a bit, there still some things that are bothering me, and I'm not sure if it's actually significant, or I'm just feeding my own fears.
Either way, some major changes are needed.
What that means for me, I'm not sure. I won't be a new person overnight, of course. But some of you guys might be surprised when I get home, I guess. Some of you guys are seeing it now, in stages.
Spring Break should be really fun, if I can do even half of the things I have in mind. (To someone:
If I get one.

Which leads me to...


We get our equipment packages at the end of February and we have a month and a half, two months, to shoot our documentaries. I'm still kind of on the fence as to which one I'm going to shoot, it's between Sami Al-Arian and Nick Nunziata. I feel more passionately about the Al-Arian idea, but it's kind of out-of-scope. I'm going to try and get ahold of one his lawyers tomorrow morning, so we'll see how it goes. So, I may be shooting footage in Atlanta or Tampa over Spring Break. Maybe.

I really need to finish my F2 script. It's two pages, two characters, 200 feet of film and I shoot next Tuesday morning. I don't know how to finish the script. It's killing me inside. The more I worry about the documentary, the more I can't finish my F2.
Our first F2 sets were today. I was Director of Photography (a.k.a. cinematographer), which meant I got to make the call on the overall look of the movie (lights, camera position, etc.), within the director's vision. My director, Dylan (for those who know him), and I worked pretty well together. I was happy with his script, his vision, and what we got.
I am completely not ready for next week.

For those who don't know, I finally got out of the dorm and into a cozy little townhouse with elf_chic_arwen (Colure) and rockstargrrrlie (Michelle).
I'm telling you all this because, hey, YOU SHOULD COME VISIT!
Yes. You. We can bake cookies! Or throw back some shots (pick your poison)! Or both!! (To someone: When the hell are you coming up for your audition?
I've got a place for you to stay.) (To someone else: Yeah, four hours seems like a lot, but if you do it, I guarantee I'll make it worth your time.
So, come to Tally, we'll have a party! Or shindig!

Alright. I think I'm done for now. I'll be around. Leave me a comment, give me a call, send me an email, or just show up on my door. You guys rock.

[Ninja edit: Yeah, today was Valentine's Day. It sucked for me. I didn't have time to remedy the solitude inherent in today. Hopefully, that'll change soon. The end.]
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