I'm doing production design for Nick's F2, call time's in about 2 hours.
I've been buying and producing shit since about 6 last night.
To be fair, I brought this upon myself.
I've spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $200+. I better get reimbursed, 'cause this ain't quite my vision.
When I get little or no sleep, I find anything extremely hilarious.
My documentary doesn't know what the fuck.
I'm going to
Full Frame this week. Should be awesome. And motherfuckin' expensive.
If anyone tells you they can spray paint a tarp, they're a fucking liar.
The fumes...
There's a lot of shit going down this month. Keep an eye out for interesting updates.
I would really like
this for my birthday. And
this. And tickets to
You know I deserve it.
There may or may not be movies on my MySpace (fuck you, Rupert Murdoch, and your stupid site name).
There are two important things about Good Night and Good Luck:
1)It was fucking robbed at the Oscars.
2)Nothing is more beautiful or sexy than properly lit cigarette smoke on black and white film. NOTHING.