Opiskelukavereideni kiinnostuksen innoittamana päätin jakaa ainakin osan kirjoitushaasteeni hedelmistä, vaikka monet niistä todenäköisesti sijoittuvat keskelle jotain suurempaa kokonaisuutta tai ainakin pohjaavat johonkin tarinaprojektiini, jota ei ole luettavissa Internetissä. Tämä KaNoKiKu-novelli kuuluu jälkimmäiseen kategoriaan. Toivon mukaan
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Comments 2
Wow, I'm so sorry! I've never actually gotten messages so I always forget to check. @_@ I'm sorry this went unanswered for so long.
Funny story (actually not funny at all, but it's either that or cry), about two days after I scrambled to get you that thumbnail, my boss called us all together and basically said "you have to work overtime and work your ass off or they're going to fire all of us". What a lovely thing to hear from your employer. It wasn't his fault, it was a higher-up's issue, but thankfully, we've dodged the bullet.
I was actually going to work on your piece this weekend! So don't worry, inspiration has not left me. Fatigue might at some point (hopefully), but inspiration is always there. :D
Thank you very much for being so patient with me! This group of folks is vastly better than my last art exchange. I promise to do my best to knock your socks off! :)
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