Poem by Joe, yo.

Jul 05, 2006 18:32

Okay, so today at school, Joe gave me this poem to read. I don't really know what to make of it, but I love it!

Ancient Hunger

An ancient one on an eternal hunt


Always searching

Looking for a mortal to make his own

One with that inner fire

That rare inner light

Few earthbound have it

Those who don't, covet it

Never once has there been seen a mortal with it

The ancient one hunted

Far and wide

For an endless parade of moons and suns

The hunger inside drives him

A different hunger

An echo from his mortal life

The shadow of lust

For an earthbound to crave companionship is one thing

For an immortal hunter to seek refuge is another

He has gone on for time immemorial

But the ancient one was the first with this hunger

Not just for blood

But for sweat

For warmth

For release

Not only to give to silence of death

But the sinful pleasures of life as well

As his fangs broke the soft pale skin

Of her untainted flesh

She cried out

Not in pain

But in ecstasy

Silently slicing his wrist

Then offering the solace of the endless darkness

To the one who craved him

His darkness

His unlife

The blood fills both up

The shadow of lust

Has become a corporeal thing

An animal, finally freed inside both

He has her

She has him

The Earth is set ablaze

By their eternal inner fire

The two walk now

Untouched by time

Untouched my mortals and immortals alike

Just the two

Bound by kinship

Bound by lust


But living in Sin

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