[Marie doesn't have a lot of money, but he did set some aside during the year. You can gaurantee that just about everything here was either second-hand or really cheap, though. He also has quite the collection of blank CDs... Anywho;]
Red - An alright-looking, handmade card (with some long-winded, cutesy note inside about the recent drama and how much he loves and appreciates Red and the rest of the team). And a pair of nice socks.
Sasha - A small box of Leppa berries, and a hat with holes cut out for her horns.
Vinnie - A small box of Sitrus berries, and a packet of floral temporary tattoos.
Euphie - A small box of Wiki berries, and a pack of tiny, fluffy, toy Ratatta.
Kojiro - A small box of Lum berries, and a book of Chinese proverbs.
Sonny Moe - A bag of Doritos, a box of chocolate chip cookies, and a totally pirated copy of
My Regions Acoustic by Justin Biever.
Red Team - also all get short notes full of sappy sentiment on some bubbly stationary.
Spinny - A somewhat-beaten-up copy of the first Twilight book, and a pretty nice, pink
Amp - A cutesy
mood pendant necklace in the shape of a lightning bolt.
Nephenee - A really stupid
t-shirt, a beginners guide to Pokemon (that Marie shamelessly jacked from the library) and. A mix CD. With a handwritten note attached; "Idk if u listen to music, but here's some stuff I like. I gave u some old school and new school stuff. p.s. merry christmas"
Somebody to Love - Justin Biever
Can't Be Tamed - Miley Psyduck
Maneater - Nelly Fearow
Oops I Did It Again - Britney Axe
Whip My Hair - Jumpluff Smith
It's Gonna Be Me - N*SYNC
Club Can't Handle Me - Flo Rhydon
Genie in a Bottle - Pachirisutina
Teenage Dream - Skitty Purry
U Smile - Justin Biever
Umbrella - Relichanna
Fireflies - Hoothoot City