I ask you.
1. Do you remember which side of the bed you woke up to?
Mn, I sleep on the left; Bane-san has the right side. It's to make sure he doesn't get up on the wrong side of bed.
2. Name one person who made you smile today.
Yukari-chan 3. What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
I wake myself up with 20 puns. So, I wasn't really awake until twenty-past.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Building furniture. Because I want a better quarter to live in.
5. Have you ever stolen anything?
No, but I have poached some eggs. Apart from that, stealing Bane-san's Rokkaku jersey was my farewell to theft. After that I had to jacket in.
6. What is the last thing you said aloud?
"Deafness is getting to be quite a problem for me lately. I never thought I'd hear myself say that."
7. When did you have your first kiss?
I was 14.
8. Do you live alone, or with someone else?
Yeah, I spend most of my time with Bane-san so we're also shacked up on the island. It's starting to become a co-habit.
Sae-san was living with us here, but he moved out recently. I don't know who's happier about that, him or me.
9. How much money is there on your bank account?
Nngh… I don't remember. I made sure there would be enough for the next instalment of rent in case we were away longer than planned, but… I wonder if we've been evicted?
Ah, this isn't funny. But then a person who would make a banking joke is of no account.
10. What was the last thing you ate?
I ate Middle Eastern food and now I falafel.
11. What's the most expensive thing you've bought so far?
My computer. But a close second would be stuff like a calculator and an abacus. It all adds up.
12. How many text messages do you have saved to your phone's memory card?
I save the important ones. The oldest one is from when I just changed my phone, so Bane-san texted me so I could save his number. That message just said "Dongs." Somehow it always makes me laugh.
13. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?
14. What did your last text message say?
"If you could become like a tree, I think you'd be more poplar with the ladies."
15. Have you ever kissed anyone in their sleep?
16. When's the last time you punched (or hit) someone?
A few days ago, I think. Even if you don't appreciate my punch-lines, we really hit it off.
17. How many people have you dated?
One. Because he's the best guy I've met to date.
18. What is your cellphone wallpaper set as?
Apollo-chan 19. Who is the person you want to fill out these questions the most?
20. Did you lie in any of your answers on this form?
You can call me an animal, but I'm not lion.
…Oh, but Bane-san isn't as grumpy as I make him look. And I didn't eat falafels, that was a lie.
Sae-san moved out! \o/
[ooc: Strikes deleted, no offence to Saeki, massive apologies to Meg and Bane for the contents of this meme. He lies in the name of comedy, so if you disagree with anything, feel free to call him on it. a.k.a. how do I construct a shared backstory orz. Oh and Apollo-chan as in the mascot of
Apollo chocolates.]