I felt like making a list. Well, at someone's nudging, anyway :D, so here goes:
Personal Life
1. Lose at least 50 lbs.
2. Regrow my hair to its old length. (Shoulderish)
3. Keep it looking nice.
4. Start learning to drive.
5. Start learning to drive well.
6. Make active attempts to see my friends more often, especially those I should be seeing more than once or twice every few months.
7. Decide whether or not my tongue ring is worth it.
8. Take better care of my bum ankle.
9. Start dressing better. Hot Topic is nice, but there are more important things in life than having expensive, badly made goth-clothes.
10. Start writing again.
Financial Life
11. Find a job.
12. Start paying off my loans.
13. Start saving money instead of spending it.
14. Save up the money to buy my own car.
15. Get out from under.
16. That means moving, as well.
17. Have enough money to take a real vacation by October, not another one night in New Orleans.
18. Apply to JCC for next fall.
19. Take a full semester of JCC, no half-assing it.
20. Get at least a B in every class.
21. Find some way to make up the incompletes and failures.
22. Learn to have loan money as an extra incentive, not just as money to live on.
23. Learn to be nice to professors that aren't the brightest. It might help that passing thing.
24. Start learning Irish again.
25. As much as you think it's fun, gaming instead of studying is not a good idea.
26. Accept the fact that my family is baptist in the bible belt.
27. Gather up the courage to tell my mother what really happened to me in 2007.
28. Gather up the courage to actually stand up for my beliefs around my family.
29. Learn that it's perfectly alright if there are other people I want to spend the holidays with.
30. Accept that they'll never truly accept me.
31. Call my father.
32. Actually talk to my father.
33. Spend more time with my nephew.
34. Go on a date.
35. Cuddle with someone on my couch.
36. Convince someone that I'll protect them from the scary zombies after watching a horror film together.
37. Kiss at least three new people by New Years 2010.
38. Look up one old boyfriend and find out how they are.
39. Go on at least one real date. Dinner, movie. The works.
40. Fuck someone senseless.
Personal Life pt. 2
41. Buy more jewelry.
42. Become more comfortable around people.
43. Get over my fear of being alone.
44. Realize I don't need to have someone else to be happy.
45. Quit smoking.
46. Drink more.
47. Get contact lenses.
48. Make up with at least two friends I've broken ties with over the years.
49. Be a better friend.
50. Learn to not get overwhelmed, and know when to say 'Deal with your own problems, or at least listen to mine.'
51. Have a conversation with the best friend at least once a week.
52. Make new friends outside the usual circles.
53. Realize that just because I know a lot of people, doesn't mean I have to constantly know about them all.
54. Spend at least one holiday with friends.
Fun and Excitement
55. Ride one rollercoaster, no matter how sick you get.
56. Take a vacation somewhere relaxing, with many available drinks.
57. Beat a damn game for once, instead of leaving it near the end.
58. Go to a real karaoke bar. And sing.
59. Find at least two huge parties to go to.
60. See a Broadway Musical.
61. Eat something strange and exotic.
62. Finally make it into Shogun's for food.
63. Lick someone I don't know.
64. Write at least three new short stories. (0/3)
65. Write at least six chapters of a novel. (0/6)
66. Write five new poems that aren't cheesy or emotastic. (0/5)
67. Take part in NaNoWriMo for real.
68. Make a record of at least one dream a week. (0/52)
69. Buy a new digital camera.
70. Take at least one new picture a week. (0/52)
71. Reinstall Photoshop so you can pick up your hobby of photography once more.
72. Move by the end of summer.
73. Travel out of the country.
74. Travel out of the state.
75. Visit Ireland.
76. Visit Stonehenge.
77. Start reading again.
78. Continue building my horror film collection.
79. Donate old clothes.
80. Get a tattoo.
81. Get health insurance.
82. Make at least one new friend a month. (0/12)
83. Get a pet cat.
Fun and Excitement pt 2
84. Practice singing again.
85. Learn to cook something new every month. (0/12)
86. Find a new horror film to watch every month (0/12)
87. Learn to ride a bike.
88. Buy a new sex toy.
89. Go to Disney World.
90. See a live concert.
More Personal
91. Get over my fear of losing people.
92. Visit my great grandmother's grave.
93. Visit my grandfather's grave.
94. Face my fear of heights.
95. Talk to a professional about my rape.
96. Make an attempt at not screaming if I see a giant spider.
97. Get a strange pet.
98. No more cutting. Ever.
99. Finish what you start.
100. Take a plane flight.
101. Continue being a hardcore atheist until proven otherwise.