a stupid ass bitch from school replying to the last post i put up
yea ok whatever.. i'm really scared of you. your words about not caring what i have to say go for me as well. i could honestly care less about you and ur stupid friends and your idiotic thoughts. get over yourself.. you're not perfect and i know that i'm not either. and when you realize that, then maybe things will be better.
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StephanieDate: Feb 23, 2005 10:05 PM
I can say whatever the fuck i feel like. Whether i care about it or not. I dont care about what you write but that doesnt mean i dont think its fucking stupid. You get all emotional and shit when you say the people you dont like dont mean anything to you but when one thing gets said your the one getting all dumb about it. I can and will say whatever the hell i want when i want so go eat a dick! or whatever you prefer. C'ya cunt. your right a few more months and you wont have to deal with me but until then have fun :)
bullshit you could care less!! you always have to make SOME kind of fucking comment about jakkie or even daniel EVERY SINGLE FUCKING day in the damn class! like i said before, i'm getting out what the fuck i want to get out and i dont care if u get offended by it and have to start talking shit about MY thoughts.. if you didnt care, then why the fuck did u make the comment on my blogs? you obviously do care enough to say something about it. next time i write something about it, put your words into action and dont say anything about it if it doesnt bother you.
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From: Stephanie
Date: Feb 23, 2005 09:53 PM
Please can you be a little more dramatic? What the hell are you talking about judging?? me and whoever else are not judging... your friends ARE lesbians and i could care less! No one gives a fuck! I dont care about reading your whole life story on your blogs. I can take everything you have to say i'm not gonna go cry about it or get all depressed or throw a ball! But if you dont like what i have to say, then do or say something about it because i dont care what gibberish is coming out of that hole. If not then grow up and take it!
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From: _your_lost_soul_
Date: Feb 23, 2005 09:44 PM
deal with it. we only have 2 more months left.. so i might as well get out what i have kept inside of me for 12 years. i dont really care what you have to say. but once you start saying that i'm a lesbian, and u start judging my friends that are, then it will get serious and i will speak my mind. and i didnt even say anything about you in my blogs. if you dont like reading what i have to say, then tough shit for you and all your little friends. 2 more months bitch!! Then we're gone.. we never have to see each other anymore.. deal with what i have to say.
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From: Stephanie
Date: Feb 23, 2005 09:38 PM
I could care less if the things i say piss you off or not monica. You tell me if i dont like what you have to say then kiss your ass well you should take your own advice. If you dont like what i'm saying then go jump off a bridge that would be better than you being near my ass. Again i could care less what you say but you dont see me writing about it for the world to see and when it brings me into it then fuck that i'm not gonna take it.
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From: _your_lost_soul_
Date: Feb 23, 2005 09:32 PM
get over yourself stephanie. i'm not gonna let people like u get to me. it's just the bullshit that you have to say about us that makes me mad. you dont even know us, yet you still talk your shit. you, along with soo many other people are two-faced and i'm sick of it! if you dont like what i have to say, then kiss my ass.. i'd be glad to bend over for you.
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From: Stephanie
Date: Feb 23, 2005 09:24 PM
oh that was a good one monica, unlike your sorry ass i dont let things get to me and then complain about them later. but when you start telling stories on your fucking blogs that have mine and my friends names in it and people are coming and asking us what we did to you that made you type a whole god damned page about how crappy your life is and how your so ill treated thats when it becomes my business. Go write a gay song about that.
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From: _your_lost_soul_
Date: Feb 23, 2005 12:34 PM
why dont you go shave your back gorilla.. leave my life alone and i'll leave urs alone.
Why dont you just bitch a little more???? THAT would fix everything!
Posted by Stephanie on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 10:34 PM
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