The World's Most Dangerous Place for Women

Apr 04, 2010 16:13

I watched a programme called 'The World's Most Dangerous Place for Women' yesterday (pretty much right before Doctor Who, it felt...odd) and I wanted to talk about it ( Read more... )

tv, world events

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Comments 8

eliots April 4 2010, 16:20:13 UTC
I feel ill. This is horrific.

I honestly don't think I could stomach this. That last story won't ever leave my brain.


punkfunkdisco April 4 2010, 17:07:22 UTC
It's awful isn't it? The programme isn't too graphic, just really heart-breaking. The women she talks too are amazing, though. Sorry, I didn't mean to make anyone feel bad, I just wanted to spread awareness. It kills me that people have no idea about this.


eliots April 4 2010, 18:19:12 UTC
No don't be sorry! It's so important to know, I'll definately look into it more.


elementarystars April 4 2010, 19:48:57 UTC
Oh wow. And the rubbish that I complain about daily. It really makes me think.

I can't even imagine how you could live like that. How do they find the strength to keep going? God.


punkfunkdisco April 4 2010, 21:11:53 UTC
I know, right? All of the things I mentioned were stuff that I've complained about in the past 6 months and they just pale into insignificance. I don't think we should beat ourselves up too much though because we have a right to feel how we feel, but it's just important to remember where our grievances fit into the world.

I've no idea; Jude repeatedly says how much awe and admiration she has for the women she meets and those two words describe it perfectly. Their strength is just awe inspiring.


multred_a April 4 2010, 22:31:42 UTC
I have been keeping up with this. And there are the fistulas.


spectralis April 6 2010, 13:18:00 UTC
It is a truly terrible situation isn't it. The stories you hear are always so terrible; I really can't comprehend how people can be so wicked. And there seems to be no end to it.

Thank you for the link, I shall try and watch.


bellyache April 6 2010, 17:26:13 UTC
I have read about this before, but your post still almost made me cry.

You are so right about it putting things in perspective. I don't think many of us realise or think about how lucky we are.


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