thursday night
Alfro8704: mr. engineer masked with anthropology
punkin314159: in the daytime, he's just plain mr. engineer
but at night he becomes....ANTHRO!!
friday night
Alfro8704: um thea
punkin314159: yes?
Alfro8704: im not an anthro freak
Alfro8704: as your profile suggests
punkin314159: hehehhee
punkin314159: you dont like it?
Alfro8704: i dont see the connection
punkin314159: hush.. it is your secret identity
Alfro8704: noo...
punkin314159: you fight the world as the smart ANTHRO... you should be honored
Alfro8704: what?
punkin314159: you are a super hero
Alfro8704: anthrohero
Alfro8704: sounds like anthrax
punkin314159: oooooo anthrax can be your code name
Alfro8704: thea are you well?
Alfro8704: maybe i should treat you to starbucks
punkin314159: like.. the name people call you instead of using your real name, so they dont give you away
punkin314159: sneaky
punkin314159: hmmm starbucks
doesn't anyone else think that being ANTHRO would be totally awesome... alf just doesnt understand!!