We had an incredibly productive progression night last night, clearing Heroic Beasts, Jaraxxus, & Faction Champs in one night all for the first time on 25. We've been pretty distracted by ICC and trying to gear newer people up in normie mode but it's nice that we were finally able to get back into Heroic and kill some bosses. We're now tied with
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Lately, the 25mans have been sort of lolerskates. The new guild I'm in is certainly no Rubicon, and they progress at a much slower pace, but they're so nice and easy going enough that it's almost an even trade off. Also, I still go with our original 10man group, so I'm just glad I won't be missing out on the content.
Something about the new guild that I've actually really enjoyed is that they schedule old world, fun stuff and still schedule regular Sarth 3D runs, etc. I got to go through Sunwell over the weekend. That last encounter in there is one of the most beautiful things in game still.
We've made a few changes to PWRS to try and make our runs better, mostly setting up officers for each role and having some sort of standards of performance to choose who'll be coming to progression raids. It was a little rough at first but it seems to be working better and better.
Well that's good that it's working out. Definitely sounds more organized. This new guild is less organized when it comes to group make up, but they're persistent enough to get things done eventually. I wish they'd go by a simple looting system though. This dkp is rough. lol Tonight we downed Saurfang on 25 and a tier token dropped, and they made a rule that only people already with a tier piece could get the token. Of course the druid token drops, and both of us have tier pieces already. So who gets the token? the person with the most dkp, which is of course the other druid since she's been a part of their guild for forever and has 1235908342098 dkp. hehe
Ah well. Not bitter. It's the price I pay for coming into a guild with these rules. I am gaining dkp like crazy though. It's only a matter of time before I surpass her. muahahaha.
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