Credit to ALEX for making this! so if you use it, CREDIT THE LOVE TO HIM!
I have a webcam
I play video games
I own a Sony PSP
I like perfume/calogne
I have a piercing
I have a tattoo
I like chatting online
I own a pet
I have dial-up
I've made out with a girl before
I've made out with a guy before
I like walks on the beach
Sitting under the stars is fun
Music is my life
I love art
I am in the drama club
I hate english
I love math
Gavin DeGraw should marry me
Partying is always fun
I've done drugs
I have drank before
Lipgloss if great
I've kissed a boy
I've kissed a girl
I've made-out before
Most candy is really nasty
Pizza is one of my favorite foods
I own a DVD
Big fish is a wonderful movie
I own a flip cellphone
I have a wireless mouse
I have a myspace account
Spiders really aren't that bad
Love is overrated
I know at least one gay guy <--- (and i love him to death, xoxo)
..he's one of my best friends
I'm completely innocent
I live in an apartment complex
I have a summer birthday
I've kissed in the rain <----(one day i will!)
I don't know any drama queens
I love going to concerts
I drink a lot of water
I love fast food
You can almost always find me at the mall
I like night-life better than daytime activities
White-chocolate is yummy
Something corporate is teh secks.
I own a mini iPod
MTV should die, and go away
I have european blood in me
I have indian blood in me
I have a pool
I can't wait until summer
Winter is my favorite season
I can't watch scary movies
I can smoke legally
I've seen a bong before
Techno is lovely
I like short boys
Butch girls are sexy
I support gay marriages
I've been in a drive-in movie theatre
I love Wendy's
I eat fresh at Subway all the time
I've photocopied body parts on the copy machine
Snowball fights are fun
I've made a snow-angel before
I've planted flowers before
I have owned a tree-house in my childhood
Touching bugs is fun
I used to play dress-up when I was little
I hate the color pink
Playing with ponies was always fun
I like to braid and style hair
Blue is one of my favorite colors
Black is a great color too
I can't ride a bike
I can't stand labels
Boys should always kiss each other
I don't have a TV in my bedroom
I've gone in a tanning-bed at least once
I don't own a lava lamp
I want a relationship
I am single
Sometimes I can be a flirt
I'm not dirty-minded whatsoever
I hang-up on people when I don't want to talk
I have a person who's calls I avoid
I've ridden a rollercoaster
Dippin' dots are absolute love
I like to share
I love the news
I've had a secret relationship before
I keep secrets well
Sushi is tasty
I double-dip sometimes
Dark colors express my mood sometimes
I write in a journal
I can relate to racist people sometimes
Homophobia is stupid
I like recieving gifts
Giving gifts is fun too
I've ridden a motorcycle
I hesitate to try new foods
I've been to another country
That other country was not Canada
I am extremely pale
I love Gwen Stefani
and I couldn't spell bananas until I heard "Holla Back, Girl"
I'm going to have kids naturally when I grow up
I might adopt
Wearing eyeliner is fun
I've done someone's makeup for them
I love taking walks
I am currently depressed
Deep conversations make me smile
I have a fetish for stars <--- the kind in the sky, not in hollywood
I've lived in another state, if only for a short while
I'm hungry at this very moment
I enjoy wearing hats
I own a pair of converse shoes
I shop at Hot Topic
I don't have a specific style
I don't know Tegan and Sarah
Going to the zoo is fun
I've been on a date before
Someday I want to be on TV
I like writing poetry
I hate my life and everything in it
Super-Ninendo is thuper cool <-- fer sure bitches!
I've kissed someone after I broke up with them
Watching movies is fun
I've seen one of my favorite bands live in concert
I've been to Disney World before
Making love is nothing special
I enjoy burning incense
I'm afraid of making goals
I'm very shy, and hate being around people
I like carousels and carnivals
Frolicking through a field of flowers is romantic
I like thunderstorms and rain
Tornados scare me
I hardly ever swear
I've sung karaoki before
I've been to a bar
I want to move to another city, country, or state
I'm going to grow up, have kids, and live happily ever after
I'm headstrong sometimes, and make my own mind up
I have owned at least one Backstreet Boys CD in my life
I want to design my own house later on in life
I've had fantasies about a teacher before
At least one of my parents loves Elvis & The Beatles
Airplanes are the coolest things ever
I've sold something before
I'm never easily amused
I've worked at a booth at a street fair
I've never had my dreams crushed
I've seen an ice sculpture before
A boy has never hurt me before
I've dipped french fries in ice cream
I've broken a bone
Baking is fun
I own a digital camera
I talk to myself sometimes
I'm always broke
My health is fading
I've skipped school before
Meeting new people is fun
Reading is alright <---- didn't bold it. i <3 reading.
I'd die without my music
Silly string is fun
I still go trick-or-treating
I have many belts
Fishing makes me happy
I'm very into sports
Tootsie rolls are fun
I own post-it notes
I write notes to my friends
I wear sunglasses and sandals
I have too many enemies to count right now
I've been to Cedar Point
I am a blonde at heart
Hand-bags & man-bags are cute
My parents are still together
Penguins are special
I've been to a dance
I've skateboarded before, or attempted to
Caramel apples are tasty
I am lactose intolerant
I'm allergic to some foods
I want to travel one day
I hate driving
I've been in love before
One of my worst enemies became one of my best friends
I've painted my nails black before
My only goal in life is to be filthy rich
Sometimes I eat too fast
I've played a strip-game in a car ride
I've been naked in someone else's prescence before
I only wear what is socially accepted
I don't own a band shirt
I've ate something with someone "lady and the tramp" style
Dancing like a fool and not caring who's looking is fun
I've had chicken pox before
I like ants
I've taken an oatmeal bath before
I've missed at least two weeks straight of school before
I download ringtones on my cell phone
I hate skittles
I have unlimited text messaging
I want to be held, and fall asleep in someone's arms
I keep to myself, and am not a touchy-feely person at all
I'm chlostrophobic
I'm afraid of heights most times
All I want now is to have a one-night stand
I've seen someone else naked before
I have posters in my room
I have signatures from one of my favorite bands
I've taken a shower without taking all my clothes off accidently
Rainbows are hawt sex
I've worn a leash before
I've run through an electric fence with the special zap collar before
I've made my own belt before
Creating my own clothes is fun
I'd rather hang out with just one person, rather than a group
I get butterflies in my stomach when I meet a potential boyfriend/girlfriend
I have a piercing below the neck, and i'm proud of it
I've changed a baby's diaper before
I babysit sometimes
I find myself supporting things that I'm not even for
Peer pressure doesn't affect me much
I want to run away with someone special
Candelight and roses makes me feel fuzzy inside
Hugging teddy bears is cute
I sleep with a stuffed animal still, or nearby
Chewing gum is fantastic
I am a blunt person
I wish life could just be perfect
I wear jewelry and accessories almost every day
Okay, if you read all this, your wonderful, and i love you. <33