So talking about 8th grade

Jul 28, 2004 21:04

One of the best things that happened in 8th grade was me meeting cody. We starting going out on April 7th and we've been going out since. Its been the best time of my life because I have so much fun when i'm with him. So many funny things have happened. Like for instance we both agree by the time alexis is over 30 shes gonna barely have any hair ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

MY HAIR! alexis572130 August 4 2004, 15:28:30 UTC
my hair is not gonna fall out lol (well maybe u were right since the stupid spanish hairdresser who needs a life said my hair was all uneven in the back and then she cut it 3 inches more then i wanted her too (im sueing!) lol ummm yeaa


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