help paying for school

Jan 08, 2009 23:50

what do i do?? I am about $500 short (thats the low end, there is always more)
i don't have any books, and can't afford them
but i NEED them

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Comments 5

mamaroxie January 9 2009, 05:57:45 UTC
can you get a school loan?


adcaela_c January 9 2009, 08:26:12 UTC
Schools usually have an emergency fund. I would call your dean. Also, teachers often put the textbooks on reserve in the library, you could just borrow them...


46daze January 9 2009, 14:23:57 UTC
check the library for the text books. ask the professors which texts are absoultely needed. is good for books too. there's also a site that lets you rent text books... the lj com poor_skills has a bunch of other links for buying books.

and as above, ask the school if there's any funds for emergency.


46daze January 9 2009, 14:39:31 UTC
oops. meant to relpy to you... a lot of teh posts are locked... but here's some links:

and are you near a large-chain bookstore and are able to sit and study there every once in awhile?

does you school offer free printing? if so, borrow the books, copy pages you need.

also ask the prof if an older edition is okay.


rebex January 9 2009, 15:09:05 UTC
library, borrow old copies from prof or former students, ask finanical aid office to help you find more $


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