hey, good to hear from ya. how long's the 'hawk these days? i'll probably neverever get to talk to you again because my pc is dead like punk rock. you're gonna have to rely on this and email lest you wish to lose me forever.
Hello, I came across your website and I have to say, I am a little bothered by what you stated. I dont really see where you gave a good example of Gods non-exsistance. You pretty much just stated what is wrong with people who are Christains. I agree, a lot of them think that they are okay if they just go to church every morning and give money. But I know that is not true and so does God. And I would like to say a few things
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"Wow, isnt it kinda funny that since scientists cant prove these “easy” answers wrong, we are now beginning to have creationism taught in schools? There has been no evidence proving that the world was not created by a higher being, only theories. And many of those theories are flawed
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I read you're response to afaded_memory. Although it was very well written, I disagree with the part about the Bilbe has errors. I would like to know where excactly all the mistakes are please. Because God is God and I seriously don't believe God makes mistakes. God's work is so powerful that humans do not understand everything. I think where Christians and non-believers differ is in the faith. Christians believe it because we believe in God. Non-Christians want proof, not beliefs. I think humans that don't believe in God find confusing parts of the Bible and count them as mistakes. Please email these mistakes to chrchpnk89@yahoo.com. I am praying for you. Thanks and God Bless.
the mistakes are so many that entire courses are conducted on them, entire books written. it would be very time consuming for me to provide a whole list. i'll gladly give you some examples, but i don't see where it's in my interest to spend a lot of time on this. i could point you in the direction of where to find more material on this if you're really interested. the mistakes are mostly in translations, although there are other areas as well. i'm at work and don't have time to get into this, but if you're actrually interested, just reply and i'llsend some examples/sources your way when i have a chance. cheers.
Don't bother. When I was reading your response, (again) I came to another disagreeing point with you. You say the mistakes are in the translations. ok - Lets go with that. Virgin is in there because Mary was a virgin. If she was just a young woman, then the Bible would have said young woman. The Bible says that the Word is God and that God wrote the Book. If God found a mistake in His book, he would definitely fix it at any time
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it would probably help to remember that the bible was written by humans. most of it was written way before jesus christ and the rest of it which is about jesus was written long after he died. so there's a lot of room for error. if there are no errors, then why are there so many different versions of the same bibles? why are there religious panels whose sole purpose is to figure out which parts of the bible are inaccurate and need editing and which to leave out? not to mention all the times throughout history in which political figures changed the bible to suit their own needs...they don't call it the king james version for nothing, after all.
but i can see that you don't want to believe this and so you shalln't. and that's fine, entirely your decision. i can't really see where you're coming from though and i still think religion's merely providing the service of a crutch. but hey, to each their own.
I enjoy a good religi-war every now and then. There's one going on at the paper where Justin works... someone wrote a letter to the editor about the Bible's takes on homosexuality. Now there have been several letters back and forth, all published in the paper.
I suppose if those are getting published in a newspaper, we're not the only ones who enjoy a good religi-war.
Um, how did you, your house, and your roomates fare in the flooding yesterday? Was Levit's workplace affected? I was planning to call her later today and find out how bad shit really is, since I've just seen pictures in the papers and on the Times-Dispatch website...
i was actually responding to this message earlier to tell you that we had lost our power for about two days but that it was back on again when - BAM! - it once again went out. i think it was out for a few hours or something this afternoon, dunno, i went to school. the house and everything is fine. living on the hill hekped cause everything just drained downwards. plenty of areas around our neighborhood are fucked, tho--like you know that hill with the playground and the look out on the top? it had a big mudslide and turned the street in front of it into another hill with cars jutting out from within it. there's a picture of it on the times dispatch website. shockoe is FUCKED, tho, so marc had to miss a bunch of work. it's gonna take em a while to get all that cleaned up. i don't think levit's job even closed or hesitated but she missed two nights since it's hard to look desirable when you can't shower or shave. but yeh, we're all okay not and hopefully the power will stay on. =P
Comments 14
Looks like I picked a good time to look at this thing again!!
I am glad that you are not dead from your edeavors into determing what a love child between a tractor trailer and a car would look like. Yikes.
I trimmed my mohawk because I was getting too lazy to put it up. Hah!
but i can see that you don't want to believe this and so you shalln't. and that's fine, entirely your decision. i can't really see where you're coming from though and i still think religion's merely providing the service of a crutch. but hey, to each their own.
I suppose if those are getting published in a newspaper, we're not the only ones who enjoy a good religi-war.
Um, how did you, your house, and your roomates fare in the flooding yesterday? Was Levit's workplace affected? I was planning to call her later today and find out how bad shit really is, since I've just seen pictures in the papers and on the Times-Dispatch website...
p.s. you look very pretty in that picture!
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