if any one hasnt seen it yet . i have punkybrewster season two to upload to share. right now Im uploading changes parts one -five and accidents happen. if you want it let me know. also I would love the full episode of season one . the very first episode ever cuz I dont have season one. thnx much. xoxox.
I know we've been pretty quiet here..I guess it doesn't help that we're waiting for Season 3 to come out on DVD...nor is there any news on when it comes out! BOO. WE WANT PUNKY
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This is my first attempt at a punky icon. I am not really good at it on account of my limited editing software. Comment AND CREDIT if used. That is all I ask. :) ( Punky Pics )
Has anyone been watching 100 Greatest Kid Starts on VH1? Soliel was on yesterdays episode, she was #20 something. I was hoping she'd be lower, but I guess its not too bad out of the top 100 :) If you haven't see it, it'll be on again in reruns today I'm sure, you should definitely check it out!
name: Candice age:20 location: Utah favorite Punky Brewster character: Punky...and a close second is Brandon. favorite Punky Brewster episode: I really think the first episode is my favorite! It's quality viewing. where did you find out about this community?: Just searching for fellow Punky Fans! Glad to see there's some of us out here!