Stolen from Alexis, who stole from Ogre who stole from Jeff...

Oct 05, 2004 20:58

1: piercing? 2... one in each ear.. .goddamn things wont close
2: tattoos? 2... the pisces symbol on my right shoulderblade and stars/moons on my right ankle
3: height? 5'4"
4: shoe size? 7-8
5: hair color? blondish/auburnish
6: siblings? none

1: food? chinese food... mmmm
2: thing to do? read books and watch tv xD
4: sports? i enjoy soccer, baseball and football
5: drinks? Snapple Lemonade, Coke & OJ
6: clothes? Nirvana hoodie! ...anyone who knows me will know that :P
7: movies? Matrix, Mulan.... a shitload more that I cant think of.
1: ever cried over a girl? yes
2: ever cried over a boy? Yes
3: ever lied to someone? Yes
4: ever been in a fist fight? Yes
5: ever been arrested? No...

1: of times I have been in love? 1
2: of times I have had my heart broken? a couple...
3: of hearts I have broken? least 1
4: of girls I have kissed? 1
5: of boys I have kissed? 5? maybe?
6: of girls I've slept with? 1
7: of boys I've slept with? 1
8: of drugs taken illegally? 2
9: of friends I would classify as true, could as true, could trust with my life with type friend? 3
10: of people I consider my enemies? ... probably only a couple.
11: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? quite a bit, between Girl Scouts, HS Activities, etc...
12: of scars on my body? just 1 major one
13: of things in my past that I regret? a few, but not many because thats what has shaped me into the person I am today.

1: pretty? Nope
2: funny? I do actually. thats the one thing I think well of myself.
3: hot? Nope
4: friendly? Yeah, for the most part.
5: amusing? Yeah, im one of those "haha, look at her!" kids..
6: ugly? Yeah
7: caring? I try
8: sweet? I try
9: dorky? Hellz yeahs!

1: Wallet? one's plain black, the other is a courdaroy thingie
2: Hairbrush? i dunno. purple i think... light purple, made of plastic
3: Toothbrush? Blue and White
4: Jewelry worn daily? .... a rainbow dolphin bracelet that Chris gave me.
5: Pillow cover? checkered blue
6: Blanket? dark blue with stars all over it
7: Sunglasses? None
8: Underwear? :o I NEED AN ADULT! I NEED AN ADULT!
9: CD in stereo right now? Creed- Human Clay
10: Tattoos? ...yes, remember?
11: Piercings? is this a test?
12: What you are wearing now? Jeans. Tshirt. Socks. Dude, im a hottie.
13: In my mouth? i dont understand this. "describe your in my mouth?" o.O
14: In my head? Sammee
15: Wishing? wishing thigns worked out.
16: After this? sleep... then work @ 8am tomorrow morning, then maybe to the plays on campus at night then probably homework.
17: Person you wish you could see right now? Sharie and Stacemeister
18: Is next to you right now? oh god, i have a messy desk. I have some cans/glasses, an avacado, a plate, some papers, a couple DVDs and CDs...
19: Your Mood? Exhausted
20: The last thing you ate? Reuben and Fries from RiRas
21. Are deathly afraid of? .... im not sure

1: like candles? Yes... but with salt.
2: like the taste of blood? Mine mostly.
3: believe in love? I do.
4: believe in soul mates? to a degree. i think there are soul mateS out there. there isnt just one person out there for you.
5: believe in Heaven? not really
6: believe in God? not at all

1: What do you want done with your body when you die? cremated
2: If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? hedgehog!
3: What color are the walls in your room? White
4: Can you eat with chopsticks? ...No :(
5: What's your favorite coin? the LOONIE! mua ha ha. fucking canadians.
6: What are some of your favorite candies? Almond Joys and Holiday candy
7: What's something that you wish people would understand? their own stupidity.
8: What's something you wish you could understand better? .... everything
9: What is something that you really wish was still around? i dunno

1: Slept in your bed? Me
2: Saw you cry? alexis
3: Made you cry? alexis
4: Spent the night at your house? ...brycest!
5: You shared a drink with? Jeremy
6: You went to the movies with? alexis
7: You went to the mall with? Jeremy
8: Yelled at you? alexis

1: That you have made for yourself: Punky, Piko, PunkyPiko
2: That people have made for you: Courtdawg, Sven, C-Dawg, Corkass, Punky, Courtie, Court
3: Names people have called you thinking they knew your name: none really
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