So, I had set my alarm for 10:50 cuz I had an appt. to get mah' hairs trimmmmmmed @ 1. However, I woke-up a little before 8 to the sounds of "Defying Gravity" still playing on my computer. :P
I was gonna go back to sleep, but I got distracted (as usual). I left my room all disoriented cuz I totally hadn't gotten enough sleep, and I'm still ah' sick enough, and my mom noticed me. I hadn't realized it was that "late"...even tho' the sun was My mom told my dad I was up or something, and of course he's like, "She didn't stay up all night, did she?", all worried. *Gah*, I hate it when he does that. What's the big deal if I did? Lately when I do that, I don't sleep all day as a result, so what does it matter? Ah, w/e.
After that, I came back here to stop the music, and had to finish listening to that song, then got a craving to hear "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)", and then I ended-up listening to a couple other MCR songs.
Then, I got back into bed. I felt drained, but I still didn't see myself falling back to sleep.
Then, my dad knocked on my door before he left for work. I, of course, responded, since he already knew I was up, and he came in. He asked if I had stayed up all night, and I snapped at him a wee bit as I usually do, he got me some apple juice cuz I was dying of thirst, and then he left.
I stayed in bed for a little longer, allowing myself to fully get comfortable and focus on falling back to sleep, but after 20min. or something, I knew it wasn't gonna happen.
So...I got up. :P I got up and got myself all hyper w/some music that makes me hyper, lol. Then, I got dressed and ate and got ready. While I was eating, I was trying to figure out whether or not I wanted to put the blue fade lines in towards the front like I had been thinking about off+on since a lil' before Halloween.
I decided to get them, and once I was all ready, I headed to the Hot Topic to pick up the dye. That was the 1st time I went to the mall since my last day @ Sam Goody. I looked up towards the old location as I walked in, and it was so weird; it was so weird to see a space that big covered by those sad, white walls.
Anywayz, I got the stuff, and used the $25 gift card my parents had given me, and got the final stamp on my 15% off card that I can use next time, and left.
Then, I went to Walgreens cuz I had to get some stuff for my trip to NYC.
Then, I came home and put that sh^t away before heading off to get my hairs dyed (I hoped she would do it) and cut.
I got there, she took me over to her section, and I told her what I wanted to do. She thought it was awesome, and got all excited that she was gonna get to do it. LOL, I love my hairdresser.
She told me how she'd have to bleach the sections first so the color would show up the way I wanted, and that that'd be $35. So, I got to kinda' get a feel for how I'd look if I want all Shakira on your @$$es. LOL, def. never gonna do that. I dunno how she pulls that off. I think she can cuz her face is a little lighter than mine. Damn Lebanese or w/e part of her...but not, cuz I like her
Yes, the Shakira, so she bleached it and then closed the foils and made me sit under the dryer thingy. Then, she put in the color, washed and cut my hair, put the color in again (it wasn't as dark as I wanted it), washed it again, and dried it. Ah, fun times. No really tho', it was...esp. after her friend came in to get her hair cut and we all started talking. At 1 point, her friend was rannnnnnnnndomly like, "Do you think they have a fat stripper clubs? Like, where they don't have wet t-shirt contests, they have 'who has the most cellulite' contests?" LOL, so random.
Yea, so I got all that done, and it looked great, and I gave her a really good tip and left.
Then, I came home to show my mom, hehehe. I opened the door, and she was right there, and she looked at me to see how my haircut looked, and she looked confused for a sec. and looked a little closer and was like, "OMG, you did something new!" She wasn't mad, of course. Lauren and Alberto were all worried my mom was gonna go down there and yell at them, lol. They don't realize that my parents are suprisingly cool about stuff like that. after that, I took a shower cuz I'm psychotic and need to take a shower after I get a haircut. Then, I got ready again, ate an apple, sorted out my money (according to my mom, I had too much cash lying around my room, and needed to deposit some of it), went back to Walgreens for something I had forgotten, picked-up my contacts, and went to the mall again so I could cash in my scratch tickets. The woman at the Lottery booth or w/e thing was like, "Do you want cash or more tickets?" Like, sorry, no, I'm not some psycho gambling addict who would put the $124 I had won back into more tickets that might not (probably won't) add up to that much in winnings ::rolls eyes::.
Then, I came home and chilled for a bit before making some Bagel Bites and watching probably 1/2 of Empire Records. LOL, it made me miss work and want to hear back from Steve asap.
After that, I chilled for a bit and talked to some people before I realized I either needed to go out or set my alarm and take a power nap or I'd never make it to the movie theatre that night. I ended-up doin' the latter.
I kept waking up, or waking up in my dream, to songs on my Winamp and I wouldn't think about them at 1st, then I would and it'd hit me all at once, and then I was back to sleep...or back to no dream...20seconds later. Weirdness indeed. I think that just shows how drained I was, lol.
So I woke up a little before my alarm went off, looked at the clock and realized it was gonna go off, and then got all confused when I heard 2 songs at once, lol.
I got up, put the song on repeat, brushed my hair out, put my contacts in, and went to pick up my valentine, hehe.
We got to the theatre and we were all confused cuz no1 was at the ticket booths, lol. We went to concessions and asked if there was a 10:15 showing of Hitch, and the guy was like, "Oh, yup, you can get your tickets right down there." LOL, we're so retarded. I think there was even a sign above the lady's head over there that said ticket sales or something to that effect. Ah well. :P
Then, we got snacks and went in to see the movie. There was a preview for a movie w/Amanda Peet and Ashton Kutcher (...A Lot Like Love), which actually looks pretty good for an Ashton Kutcher chick flick. Then, there was that preview for Monster-in-Law w/J-Ho, which I probably would've seen if J-Ho weren't playing that chick. *Blahh.* Then, there was another Ashton Kutcher movie preview! Like, wtf? Who needs 2 of those?? I'm surprised I could stand 1!
Anywayz, the movie we actually went to see was good. It was a lot better than I expected it to be (I purposely set myself up w/lower than normal expectations so I wouldn't be disappointed :P) for a Will Smith chick flick. I'm actually probably gonna buy it w/my discount (because I WILL have a discount...just not a Sam Goody 1...) when it comes out on DVD.
The only parts I didn't agree w/were that "women can tell from the 1st kiss how the relationship's gonna be" or w/e, and the fiddling w/your keys thing. If I based my decision of whether to continue w/the guy or not by the 1st kiss, I wouldn't have continued dating any of the guys I've dated, lol. (No offense, guys, if for some reason you're reading this...I
The other thing Hitch said was that if a girl fiddled w/her keys at the door, she wanted a kiss. That doesn't work w/me cuz I fiddle w/my keys even when I'm alone at my door, tryin' to get in, cuz I'm an idiot and I usually can't remember where the key to the door I go in is located on my keyring!
It was still a really funny movie tho'. :P
Tomorrow, I'm hangin' w/my valentine yet again, hehe, hopefully getting some money from someone who owes me money, and maybe maybe going out to dinner w/my fam' (MAYbe). :P
Oh, shocking discovery of the day! My dad actually likes "Somebody Told Me" by The Killers. How did I come to this discovery? I had Hot Fuss playing while I was getting ready the 2nd time, that song came on, and he walked by the bathroom, stopped, and started dancing to it. I have to admit, I was a little surprised, lol.