May 31, 2006 22:30
everything was amazing for those 3 days
and then i realized i need to think about what im going to do. i miss her but she probably doesnt miss me. oh well it was cute.
May 24, 2006 19:06
Tarah thank you for making me laugh witht hat conversation i believe that talk will hold me over for a week. keep talking to him so we can get more sweet stories hahaha
May 08, 2006 06:47
Attention Tarah Mills:
IM me so we can get you set up on final fantasy on our server. :)
Apr 03, 2006 21:53
So had to clean out my computer 2400 songs are gone so if you guys want to help me out and come over with ipods/cd cases so i can copy those cds again it would be really cool you should leave me a comment if its possible i have some of the songs back but still this is driving me crazy please help me out
Mar 27, 2006 19:34
im bored and i thought this was kind of interesting
ichat saves my conversations and i was tallying up how many i have with different people
Ashley Gey - 367
Nathan Boggs - 245
Chip Vermillion - 239
Shoma Rahman - 114
Jessica Brinkerhoff - 110
Abeed Rahman 108
Vincent Lucena - 93
weird how things change