Если доклад Нунеса стал по республиканской традиции широко раздутым псевдоскандвлом, то под ворохом новостей удалось успешно похоронить то скандальное обстоятельство, что администрация Трампа
саботирует закон о санкциях и не предпринимает никаких иных шагов для ответа на российское вмешательство в выборы 2016 и для защиты выборов 2018 и 2020.
В Госдепе не делается ничего. По словам Тиллерсона, все равно бесполезно.
“I don't know that I would say we are better prepared, because the Russians will adapt as well,” Tillerson said in an exclusive interview with Fox News in Bogota, Colombia. “The point is, if it's their intention to interfere, they are going to find ways to do that. We can take steps we can take but this is something that, once they decide they are going to do it, it's very difficult to preempt it.”
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/02/06/russians-already-meddling-in-us-midterms-tillerson-says.html В Минфине, по уверению Мнучина, над санкциями работают, но в строгом секрете.
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Waters: The Congress of the United States does not know what you are doing. The Congress of the United States does not expect that your response to the public policy that was developed by us be somehow responded to in a classified way. Is there anything that you can tell us that you have done?
Mnuchin: Well, again, the law called for both a classified portion of the report, and an unclassified. Given that the majority of the work was developed on a classified basis, we classified the report. I'd encourage you and other members to look at it. It's an extensive amount of work, again, that -- the first phase was to develop the report and deliver it, which we did on time. And now we are developing sanctions on it. So I assure you we are very focused on this.
Waters: Well, I would encourage you to encourage the President to declassify any information that should be forthcoming to this Committee, just as he was able to do in the Nunes memo. He used his power of the President to declassify. I would suggest to you that, if information is declassified that should be available to this Congress, who voted overwhelmingly for sanctions on Russia, who undermined our democracy, those sanctions should be not delayed or waived, and we should have information about it. Let me continue. Is it the Treasury Department's position that no persons are engaged in significant transactions with Russia's defense and intelligence sectors?
Mnuchin: Again, I'm not going to comment on that, because that's not the portion that we're doing the work on.
Waters: Would you tell us again -- what are you doing the work on?
Mnuchin: Again, we did the work on what was referred to -- the oligarchs, as well as senior government officials. We detailed in the report where there was evidence of corruption, family relationships, net worth. We complied with a very extensive report that -- as I said, there is a classified version and an unclassified version. And we will be using the intelligence work where there is indications of corruption to follow this up with sanctions, which are -- are a very effective tool that we intend to use.
Waters: Are you referring to the work that you did on the oligarchs as the list of oligarchs that you lifted from the Forbes report?
Mnuchin: Again, we were very clear that the public, non-classified version is the universe that we looked at and was developed on open source -- both the oligarchs and the leaders. The classified report goes through that list in a very detailed manner, as well as other people that weren't on that list, that would have fallen below the billion-dollar threshold. So, again...
Следует напомнить, что в законе о санкциях говорится, что отчёт о путинских олигархах должен быть открытым, но к нему разрешается иметь секретное приложение: “The report required shall be submitted in an unclassified form, but may contain a classified annex.”
https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/3364/text В частности, о связях
Олега Дерипаски с администрацией Путина хорошо было бы узнавать из этого доклада, а не из расследования Навального.
Благодаря, простите, дебилизму тех людей, которые заслали в наш московский штаб девиц в латексных трусах, мы с вами за руку поймали зампреда правительства Приходько, получающего взятку от олигарха Дерипаски. И подкрепили элитной недвижимостью этого чиновника на сумму почти миллиард рублей, происхождение которой вообще никак невозможно объяснить.
https://navalny.com/p/5747/ Что касается защиты от вмешательства в следующие выборы, демократы из юридической комиссии Палаты представителей тщетно требуют устроить по этому поводу слушания. В своём обращении они приводят следующий список фактов со ссылками на открытые публикации:
1. The Department of Homeland Security notified at least 21 states that the Russian government targeted and, in some cases, successfully penetrated their election infrastructure.
2. Illinois officials found 90,000 voter files were stolen-more than 75,000 containing personal data such as driver’s license and social security numbers. Officials found evidence of an additional attempt to download the state’s entire voter roll of 15 million people.
3. Foreign actors are believed to have infiltrated Florida, Colorado, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Arizona’s electoral systems, as well as an election software/device provider.
4. Sensitive data on Georgia’s 6.7 million voters, passwords used by county officials to access elections management files, and the critical e-pollbooks used to verify registered votes on Election Day were exposed by significant election infrastructure security gaps. In addition, key electronic voter logs were stolen prior to the Georgia special election and entire election servers had their data wiped clean.
5. The Russian cutout known as “Fancy Bear,” which was responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee, continues to target political organizations in various countries-including the U.S. Senate, in a recently reported operation.
6. Computer security experts have uncovered potential points of infiltration of the “voting infrastructure at any point in the supply chain process [allowing for] the ability to synchronize and inflict large-scale damage” particular in foreign-manufactured parts.
7. A study found consolidation in the voting machine and software industry-where the number of voting machine companies has dropped from nineteen to three-and the resulting market structure, coupled with ineffective government action, has limited growth, stagnated innovation, and contributed to a crisis in America’s election technology sector.
https://democrats-judiciary.house.gov/news/press-releases/house-judiciary-democrats-call-emergency-hearings-after-administration-official Какая-то надежда остаётся на комиссию Сената по разведке, которая работает над специальным докладом.
The Senate Intelligence Committee is drafting a report on vulnerabilities in the U.S. election system that is expected to be released in the coming weeks, according to lawmakers and aides, in what will be the first product of a yearlong investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
The leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said they hope to have it completed by March. The report still needs to be vetted and approved by multiple federal agencies to ensure the protection of classified information, lawmakers and aides said.
The report is aimed at making recommendations to state, county and local governments about how best to protect their election infrastructures in advance of the 2018 midterm elections. Texas and Illinois will both hold primary elections in March, while eight more states will hold elections in May.