Детективы-любители проследили перемещения личного самолета Олега Дерипаски в конце июле и начале августа 2016.
https://medium.com/@ScottMStedman/deripaskas-private-jet-newark-moscow-molde-for-secret-yacht-meeting-280494a6cb48 Складывается любопытная картина.
31 июля 2016 Манафорт дает интервью CBS и умело выкручивается в ответ на вопрос о России.
DICKERSON: But House Speaker Paul Ryan's spokesman said Russia is a global menace led by a devious thug.
Is that something Donald Trump would disagree with, do you think?
MANAFORT: I think Mr. Trump has made it very clear. He views Russia to be somebody that we need to be firm with.
And he has defined that he would put American interests first in dealing with Russia, and as well as any other country. To get into what his specific words are, he said them. He views Russia as a foreign power that has its own interests at stake, and we, the United States, have to put America's interests first.
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/face-the-nation-transcripts-july-31-2016-sanders-manafort-priebus/ В тот же день он договаривается о
встрече с Константином Килимником.
После встречи Манафорта и Килимника частный самолет Дерипаски (с неизвестными лицами на борту) вылетает из Ньюарка в Москву. В Москве он забирает Сергея Приходько и везет его
на яхту к Дерипаске и Рыбке, где происходит обсуждение известий с выборов в США.
4 августа 2016 (день прилета самолета в Москву)
Директор ЦРУ Бреннан звонит директору ФБР Бортникову и делает ему серьезное предупреждение, чтобы прекратилось вмешательство в американские выборы.
On Aug. 4, as evidence of that campaign mounted, Mr. Brennan warned Alexander V. Bortnikov, the director of Russia’s Federal Security Service, known as the F.S.B., not to meddle in the election. Not only would such interference damage relations between the countries, he said, but it was also certain to backfire. “I said that all Americans, regardless of political affiliation or whom they might support in the election, cherish their ability to elect their own leaders without outside interference or disruption,” Mr. Brennan said. “I said American voters would be outraged by any Russian attempt to interfere in the election.”
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/23/us/politics/john-brennan-russia-trump-campaign-cia.html Бреннан не сомневается, что Бортников незамедлительно передаст его слова Путину.
Mr. Bortnikov denied it. I then came back to it and said, “This is something that you need to take very seriously,” and he said he would relay it to Mr. Putin. And I know that Mr. Bortnikov, who works very closely with Mr. Putin, would relay that to him immediately, because in past conversations, I asked Mr. Bortnikov to pass messages to Mr. Putin, and I got a response within an hour, so he would have immediate access to him. Mr. Bortnikov promised to do that. I didn’t hear back from him with Mr. Putin’s reaction and response. But Mr. Bortnikov said they’d be willing to work with either candidate who emerged victorious in the election.
https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/interview/john-brennan/ 5 августа 2016 (время вылета самолета Дерипаски в Норвегию)
Появляется публикация о странном поведении Картера Пейджа во время его поездки в Москву. Интересны приведенные в статье комментарии Дэвида Крамера (которому предстоит сыграть ключевую роль в судьбе досье Стила) и Хоуп Хикс (которая отрицает связь Пейджа с кампанией Трампа).
“It scares me,” said David Kramer, who was responsible for Russia and Ukraine at the State Department during the George W. Bush administration. He called Page’s speech in Moscow and recent comments by Trump on the possibility of lifting sanctions against Moscow “deeply unsettling.”
Asked to comment on Page’s public statements and campaign role, Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said Page was an “informal foreign policy adviser” who “does not speak for Mr. Trump or the campaign.”
https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/trump-advisers-public-comments-ties-to-moscow-stir-unease-in-both-parties/2016/08/05/2e8722fa-5815-11e6-9aee-8075993d73a2_story.html Michael Morell, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and a man who has made serious bad calls, is a total Clinton flunky!
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
August 7, 2016 В тот же день бывший и.о. директора ЦРУ
Майкл Моррелл, зная или догадываясь, называет Трампа "an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation".
This is probably the worst political t-shirt I've seen. I'm sure Jesus doesn't like it; I hope Trump doesn't either!
pic.twitter.com/k0fiAmypqa- Dr. Michael L. Brown (@DrMichaelLBrown)
August 5, 2016 В тот же день, выступая на митинге в Висконсине, Трамп не может обойти молчанием тему своих отношений с Путиным:
They think she wants to be tough with Russia. So she said well, Donald Trump likes Putin. I don't know Putin, folks. I don't know. I hope I like him, I hope he likes me because I'd love to get along with Russia. OK? [applause]
Love to. But I don't know. But she goes Donald Trump, Donald Trump -- think about it -- wants to befriend Putin and other things, she said right? And I'm saying to myself what's wrong with that? That's good.
But she's going to be the tough one, see? She's going to be the tough one. She's going to play with nuclear weapons, you know? They have all the nukes, nice nukes. She's going to be the tough one.
I'll tell you what, you put her in the office of the president -- you know, she hates Putin and Putin hates her, right? That's what I hear. No, no -- Putin probably doesn't respect her more than anything else. But Putin hates her. But she's going to be tough. We're going to be tough with Russia -- oh, we're going to be tough, right? Let me tell you, we're in a different world today, folks. We're in a different world.
http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=123199 В этот день Кристофер Стил пишет отчет, в котором сообщает о панике в Кремле, в основном со стороны
Сергея Иванова: "According to the first source, close to IVANOV, there had been talk in the Kremlin of TRUMP being forced to withdraw from the presidential race altogether as a result of recent events, ostensibly on grounds of his state and unsuitability for high office."
Но паника оказалась преждевременной. С этого момента кампания Трампа под умелым руководством Манафорта начинает набирать обороты, а через неделю Иванов уходит в отставку.