Фейсбука, а вслед за ними и весь фондовый рынок, серьезно просели с начала торгов сегодня после публикации расследования деятелъности
Cambridge Analytica. Британские журналисты Guardian/Observer совместно с коллегами из New York Times и 4го канала британского телевидения выявили, как Cambridge Analytica обманным путем завладела данными 50 миллионов американских пользователей Фейсбука, чтобы подвергнуть их обработке микротаргетингом во время выборов 2016. Попутно вскрылись подозрительные российские контакты Cambridge Analytica, а также их нелегальная практика по сбору компромата на политиков.
If you are watching the Cambridge Analytica story unfold, please please support our journalism. We’ve fought off 3 legal threats from CA & 1 from Facebook. It’s a whole year’s work & we gave it to
@Channel4News &
@nytimes for the greater good. We need you!
https://t.co/xxwntrMfBK pic.twitter.com/hhWfeTLd7r- Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla)
March 19, 2018 За скандалом трудно следить, потому что он продолжает развиваться. Главная ссылка Guardian:
Публикации New York Times:
The firm had secured a $15 million investment from Robert Mercer, the wealthy Republican donor, and wooed his political adviser, Stephen K. Bannon, with the promise of tools that could identify the personalities of American voters and influence their behavior. But it did not have the data to make its new products work.
So the firm harvested private information from the Facebook profiles of more than 50 million users without their permission, according to former Cambridge employees, associates and documents, making it one of the largest data leaks in the social network’s history. The breach allowed the company to exploit the private social media activity of a huge swath of the American electorate, developing techniques that underpinned its work on President Trump’s campaign in 2016.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/17/us/politics/cambridge-analytica-trump-campaign.html Lukoil was interested in how data was used to target American voters, according to two former company insiders who said there were at least three meetings with Lukoil executives in London and Turkey. SCL and Lukoil denied that the talks were political in nature, and SCL also said there were no meetings in London.
The contacts took place as Cambridge Analytica was building a roster of Republican clients in the United States - and harvesting the Facebook profiles of over 50 million users to develop tools to analyze voters’ behavior.
Cambridge Analytica also included extensive questions about Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, in surveys it was carrying out in American focus groups in 2014. It is not clear what - or which client - prompted the line of questioning, which asked for views on topics ranging from Mr. Putin’s popularity to Russian expansionism.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/17/us/politics/cambridge-analytica-russia.html Передачи Channel 4:
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