В воскресное утро на разных телеканалах проходят новостные передачи, где ведущие берут интервью у ключевых людей. Белый Дом по-прежнему отказывается посылать кого-либо из администрации Трампа давать интервью "
fake news" CNN, но послал одного представителя (
Стивена Миллера) отдуваться за администрацию на четырех других каналах: ABC, NBC, CBS и Fox News.
Congratulations Stephen Miller- on representing me this morning on the various Sunday morning shows. Great job!
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
February 12, 2017 На двух из этих каналов (ABC и NBC) Миллера спросили про
скандал с Майклом Флинном, но он отказался что-либо сообщить.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Let's move on to the troubles facing the new national security adviser, General Flynn, right now. "The Washington Post" reported, of course, that he did have contacts with the Russians where he discussed sanctions, which is contrary to what Vice President Mike Pence said back in January.
Let's look.
MICHAEL RICHARD PENCE, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I talked to General Flynn yesterday and the conversations that took place at that time were not in any way related to new U.S. sanctions against Russia.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Of course, "The Washington Post" reports after talking to nine intelligence officials, said that he did discuss the sanctions and General Flynn has changed his response before he denied it. Now he's saying he doesn't remember.
Number one, did he mislead the vice president and how do you respond to Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, who say that General Flynn's security clearance should be revoked until the FBI I guess his contacts?
MILLER: Well, I don't have any news to make you today on this point. That's a great question for our chief of staff, that's a great question for the office of the vice president. I think that don't have any...
STEPHANOPOULOS: Then why are you coming on if...
MILLER: I don't have any...
STEPHANOPOULOS: -- can't answer the questions being posed about the White House?
MILLER: I don't have any information, George, to change anything that has previously already been said by the White House on this matter. General Flynn has served this country admirable and with distinction. He is a three star general. He served in the Defense Intelligence Agency.
There's no information that I have, as a policy director for this White House, to contribute any new information to this story this morning.
And I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that's just where things stand.
STEPHANOPOULOS: How do you think he can continue to serve as national security adviser after misleading the vice president?
MILLER: I don't accept that what your question is saying is accurate. I don't have any information one way or another to add anything to this conversation. I understand it's an important matter. I understand it's a sensitive matter. And I'm sure you'll have an opportunity in the near future to interview someone from the vice president's office or to interview the chief of staff, who can elucidate further on this very sensitive issue.
STEPHANOPOULOS: I should actually say that we did invite the chief of staff to join us this morning and the White House refused to put him out, perhaps, because you guys don't want to answer that question.
MILLER: I don't know that -- I don't know that that's true, George. But I think that they wanted to put me out here so that we could discuss the very important issue facing our national security and the problem of open borders and the threat of terrorism.
STEPHANOPOULOS: It is true that we asked for the White House chief of staff.
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/week-transcript-12-17-stephen-miller-bob-ferguson/story?id=45426805 CHUCK TODD:
Before I let you go, does the president still have confidence in his national security advisor?
That's the question that I think you should ask the president, the question you should ask Reince, the chief of staff. I'm here today as a policy advisor. And my focus was on answering the policy questions that you have. General Flynn has served his country admirably. He is a three-star general. He's head of the defense intelligence agency. And I look forward to having more discussions about this in the future.
So the White House did not give you anything to say other than--
They did not give me--
--that on General Flynn?
--anything to say.
So you cannot say--
Asked and answered, Chuck.
--whether or not the president still has confidence in his national security advisor?
It's not for me to tell you what's in the president's mind. That's a question for the president--
Well, let me--
--that's a question for a chief of staff. Asked and answered, Chuck.
Let me ask you this, if you were caught misleading the vice president of the United States, would that be considered a fireable offense in the Trump White House?
It's not for me to answer hypotheticals. It wouldn't be responsible. It's a sensitive matter. General Flynn has served his country admirably. He served his country with distinction. And I look forward to having a conversation with you once you've had a chance to talk with the appropriate people in the White House who are dealing with this matter. It would not be appropriate for me to speculate.
http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meet-press-02-12-17-n719951 Неизвестно, как долго Трамп рассчитывает тянуть время или отвлекать публику другими скандалами.
Между тем Джон Шиндлер поделился неслабым сообщением от анонимного источника в Пентагоне:
What’s going on was explained lucidly by a senior Pentagon intelligence official, who stated that “since January 20, we’ve assumed that the Kremlin has ears inside the SITROOM,” meaning the White House Situation Room, the 5,500 square-foot conference room in the West Wing where the president and his top staffers get intelligence briefings. “There’s not much the Russians don’t know at this point,” the official added in wry frustration.