На прошлой неделе не было времени писать, но произошло множество интересных событий.
1. В понедельник не состоялись новые санкции, о которых накануне поспешила объявить Никки Хейли, посол США в ООН.
The day before US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley went on national television saying that new sanctions would be announced against Russia, the White House sent out a list of talking points to surrogates advocating such a move. But the day after she announced sanctions would be coming, the White House contradicted itself, abruptly saying it would not be following through with the sanctions.
CNN obtained an email distributed by the White House on Saturday morning, April 14, outlining the administration's response to an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria. The talking points said, "We also intend to impose specific additional sanctions against Russia to respond to Moscow's ongoing support for the Assad regime, which has enabled the regime's atrocities against the Syrian people."
https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/20/politics/white-house-syria-talking-points/index.html President Trump was watching television on Sunday when he saw Nikki R. Haley, his ambassador to the United Nations, announce that he would impose fresh sanctions on Russia. The president grew angry, according to an official informed about the moment. As far as he was concerned, he had decided no such thing.
It was not the first time Mr. Trump has yelled at the television over something he saw Ms. Haley saying. This time, however, the divergence has spilled into public in a remarkable display of discord that stems not just from competing views of Russia but from larger questions of political ambition, jealousy, resentment and loyalty. <...>
At one point recently, he saw Ms. Haley on television sharply criticizing Russia over its intervention in Ukraine. “Who wrote that for her?” Mr. Trump yelled angrily at the screen, according to people briefed on the moment. “Who wrote that for her?”
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/17/world/europe/trump-nikki-haley-russia-sanctions.html До того, как сообщить об отмене новых санкций послу Хейли, об этом сообщили Путину.
Посольство в Вашингтоне получило уведомление от администрации Дональда Трампа, что новые санкции против Москвы в ближайшее время вводить не планируется, сообщил источник в МИД России.
https://ria.ru/politics/20180418/1518883147.html 2. В понедельник же выяснилось, что среди клиентов
Майкла Коэна был главный трампогандист Шон Хэннити. Хэннити не только скрывал эту связь, но и свои финансовые аферы.
“I’ve said many times on my radio show: I hate the stock market, I prefer real estate. Michael knows real estate,” Hannity said on television, a few hours after the dramatic hearing in Manhattan, where Cohen is under criminal investigation.
Hannity’s chosen investment strategy is confirmed by thousands of pages of public records reviewed by the Guardian, which detail a real estate portfolio of remarkable scale that has not previously been reported.
The records link Hannity to a group of shell companies that spent at least $90m on more than 870 homes in seven states over the past decade. The properties range from luxurious mansions to rentals for low-income families. Hannity is the hidden owner behind some of the shell companies and his attorney did not dispute that he owns all of them.
https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/apr/22/michael-cohen-sean-hannity-property-real-estate-ben-carson-hud Найдется ли в этом российский след, пока неясно, но было бы
Ротем Росен, с которым Коэн
обнимался, выйдя из суда, был участником переговоров с Трампом в Москве в 2013.
Trump was in Moscow in 2013 with friends/biz partners Rotem Rosen (far left) & Alex Sapir (far right) seen with Emin's dad Aras Agalarov 2/6
pic.twitter.com/x3uSLWHGQy- Wendy Siegelman (@WendySiegelman)
July 11, 2017 Trump Soho developers Alex Sapir and Rotem Rosen are planning to take Manhattan to Moscow.
The duo met with Russian developer Aras Agalarov and Donald Trump at the weekend to discuss replicating the successful hotel they built in New York in the heart of the Russian capital.
“The Trump Soho has a lot of very high profile Russian visitors and they have been telling us they wish there was something modern and hip like it in Moscow,” said Russian-born Sapir.
“Over the last ten years, there have been no big new hotels built in Moscow. A lot of people from the oil and gas businesses have come to us asking to be partners in building a product like Trump Soho there.”
During their Russian trip, the developers attended the Miss Universe contest - an event co-owned by Trump and NBC Universal - that was held at Crocus City Hall.
The event offered a good networking opportunity.“The Russian market is attracted to me,” Trump said. “I have a great relationship with many Russians, and almost all of the oligarchs were in the room.”
http://rew-online.com/2013/11/12/hotel-trio-aims-to-bring-manhattan-to-moscow/ В этом же году Хэннити стал активно вкладываться в недвижимость.
3. Во вторник вышла долгожданная книжка Джима Коми, которую он активно рекламирует, появляясь на всех каналах.
Коми в числе прочего пытается объяснить, чем он руководствовался, когда в июле 2016 решил публично выступить о расследовании емайлов Клинтон, а в конце октября 2016 послать судьбоносное письмо в Конгресс. Я раннее
делал предположение, что последнее решение было связано с желанием предохранить расследование Рашагейта от давления республиканцев в случае победы Клинтон. Это предположение не подтверждается.
По словам Коми, он считал высоковероятным не только победу Клинтон, но и то, что среди емайлов на лаптопе Энтони Винера будут найдены доказательства ее вины. В этой упоротости можно разглядеть признаки подсознательной мизогинии, которая выскакивает у Коми и в других местах: выбор слов "extremely careless" (применил бы он их к Колину Пауэллу?), отношение к своим начальницам Лоретте Линч и Салли Йейтс, отношение к жене (которая, по его словам, поддерживала Клинтон только потому, что хотела увидеть женщину президентом).
Click to view
Тот факт, что письмо Коми стало достаточным фактором, чтобы обеспечить победу Трампа, достаточно убедительно обсуждается в
книжке Лэнни Дэвиса "The Unmaking of the President 2016". Дэвис вместе с тем - достаточно скользкий персонаж, которые не гнушается регулярно появляться на Fox News и
работать на Дмитрия Фирташа.
4. На вопрос Дэвися "Куда делся Джулиани?" между тем нашелся ответ. В четверг стало известно, что Руди Джулиани, юридическая практика которого закончилась 30 лет назад, присоединился к
команде адвокатов Трампа, чтобы по понятиям договориться с Мюллером.
Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and longtime friend of President Trump, will join the president’s legal team in an effort to “quickly” resolve the special counsel investigation into Russian election interference and possible ties to Trump associates.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/19/us/politics/giuliani-trump.html 5. В пятницу демократы обратились в суд с гражданским иском к Российской Федерации и ряду американских сообщников, обвиняя их во взломе электронной почты и вмешательство в выборы 2016.
Today, the DNC filed a complaint in federal court against the Russian Federation, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU), a GRU operative using a pseudonym "Guccifer 2.0," Aras and Emin Agalarov, Joseph Mifsud, WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Jared Kushner, George Papadopoulos, and Richard Gates for their brazen attack on our democracy, including the DNC hack and dissemination of stolen documents.
“During the 2016 presidential campaign, Russia launched an all-out assault on our democracy, and it found a willing and active partner in Donald Trump’s campaign. This constituted an act of unprecedented treachery: the campaign of a nominee for President of the United States in league with a hostile foreign power to bolster its own chance to win the presidency," said DNC Chair Tom Perez.
“No one is above the law and the perpetrators of this attack must be held accountable. They successfully hacked the Democratic Party in 2016 and they will be back. We must prevent future attacks on our democracy, and that’s exactly what we’re doing today. This is not partisan, it’s patriotic. If the occupant of the Oval Office won’t protect our democracy, Democrats will. It is our obligation to the American people.”
https://www.democrats.org/Post/dnc-files-lawsuit-against-russia-wikileaks-trump-campaign-for-attack-on-dnc Click to view
Для подобного иска есть четкий исторический прецедент - иск, поданный DNC к CREEP (Committee to re-elect president Nixon) в 1972 по поводу взлома Уотергейта. По мере появления новых фактов, тот иск дополнялся приложениями. Эту же тактику можно использовать сейчас.
DNC’s suit vs DJT campaign, Don Jr, Kushner, Stone, Gucifer 2, Russia et al was just assigned to the great Judge John G Koeltl, a Republican former student of mine who clerked for Judge Edward Weinfeld & Eisenhower appointee Justice Potter Stewart. There’s nobody better or fairer
- Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw)
April 21, 2018