Трамписты-республиканцы в Конгрессе во главе с Нунесом продолжают атаки на Министерство юстиции с целью пустить под откос расследование Мюллера. Новая тактика - запрашивать по повестке секретные документы из расследования с тем, чтобы либо слить их Трампу, либо получить повод для импичмента Рода Розенштейна в случае отказа.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), one of Trump’s leading allies on the Hill, privately urged Republican colleagues Tuesday to consider holding Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher A. Wray in contempt of Congress if the Justice Department does not provide him with documents he has sought about the Russia probe in coming days.
Nunes is readying proceedings and keeping several House Republicans briefed on his plans, including members of the Judiciary Committee and the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, according to two people familiar with the discussions.
Nunes has also spoken in the past week with members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, which has been supportive of Trump, about how a potential contempt effort could unfold.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/federal-probe-into-trumps-lawyer-seeks-records-about-two-women-who-alleged-affairs-with-the-president/2018/04/10/624104a2-3cda-11e8-a7d1-e4efec6389f0_story.html Получив доступ к секретным документам, Нунес не удосуживается их читать.
Facing the growing pressure, and outrage from President Donald Trump, Rosenstein finally relented in early April -- and granted Nunes and Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina access to the document with only minimal redactions to protect the name of a foreign country and agent, along with all members of the House Intelligence Committee. But when the pair arrived at the Justice Department to review the electronic communication, officials were caught off-guard by his next move. Nunes -- sitting with a copy of the document in an unopened folder directly in front of him -- opted not to read it, according to four sources with knowledge of the situation.
https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/04/politics/devin-nunes-electronic-communication/index.html Enjoyed dinner with the brightest political mind in America!
@RogerJStoneJr #sayfie #MAGA pic.twitter.com/FjF0s7RAIE- Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz)
July 9, 2017 Нунес не одинок. Среди конгрессменов образовалась целая команда "цепных псов" Трампа, которые за подачки с президентского стола пытаются расправиться с Мюллером и Розенштейном.
President Donald Trump calls them his "warriors": a band of four House Republicans defending Trump with a relentless counterattack against the Justice Department’s Russia investigation that thrills the president even as it unsettles some House GOP colleagues who think they’re going too far.
This crew of hard-charging conservatives, whom Trump singled out by name in late April, have emerged as some of Washington’s most prominent Republicans, enjoying direct lines to the Trump White House and flights on Air Force One.
"Look, we have some absolute warriors," Trump told Fox News on April 26 when asked about his relationship with Congress, name-checking "Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows and Matt Gaetz and [Ron] DeSantis.”
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Розенштейн не сдается. Отказываясь выдавать секретные документы из текущего расследования, он ссылается на исторический прецедент, установленный его героем, легендарным юристом Робертом Джексоном.
In 1941, Congressman Carl Vinson wrote a letter to Attorney General Robert Jackson. He requested FBI and DOJ reports made in connection with an investigation of labor disputes involving Navy contracts. Vinson’s committee had oversight for such issues, which is why he wanted the documents.
Attorney General Jackson flatly refused the request. He did not compromise at all. Jackson explained that disclosing investigative reports would harm the national interest in a number of different ways.
First, it would “seriously prejudice law enforcement” by providing defense counsel with the government’s confidential impressions of the case.
Second, disclosing certain investigative reports would give aid to our enemies and jeopardize our national security.
Third, investigative reports often contain information about witnesses and informants. Releasing the information could stifle the FBI’s ability to obtain sources and could even put lives at risk.
The fourth reason is often overlooked. Jackson explained that handing over the documents could harm the reputations of innocent people. Being a subject of an investigation - or even a target - is not the same as being guilty of a crime. The Department of Justice conducts many investigations that never see the light of day because there is insufficient evidence to support the allegations.
Президент Франклин Д. Рузвельт прочил Джексона себе в преемники, пока не решил в 1940 избираться на третьий срок. После работы на разных должностях в правительстве, включая генерального прокурора, Джексон стал судьей Верховного суда. В 1944 он голосовал против позорного решения в деле Korematsu v. United States, связанного с интернированиям в лагеря американских японцев во время войны.
"The chief restraint upon those who command the physical forces of the country, in the future as in the past, must be their responsibility to the political judgments of their contemporaries and to the moral judgments of history."
https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/323/214#writing-USSC_CR_0323_0214_ZD2 В 1945-1946 Джексон взял перерыв, чтобы работать представителем США на
процессе над нацистскими преступниками в Нюрнберге. Пока он был в Германии, президент Труман обнес его, назначив другого человека (Фреда Винсона) на обещанное Рузвельтом Джексону место Главного судьи.
Другой человек, которого обидел Труман, был генерал Дуглас Макартрур.
Макартур вошел в историю успешной "сменой режима" в Японии. Но, как это иногда бывает с престарелыми генералами, переоценил свои таланты и возможности в провальной корейской войне. Труман, который понюхал пороху, участвуя в самой масштабной операции первой мировой (Мёз-Аргоннском наступлении) и имел о генералах свое мнение, отправил Макартура в отставку в то время, когда тот рвался шарахнуть по Китаю атомной бомбой.
Увольнение популярного Макартура добавило к падению популярности Трумана и демократов и приходу к власти Эйзенхауера, другого популярного генерала.
При этом американскими расистами война с японцами и корейцами (а позже - вьетнамцами) безусловно воспринималась, как сакральная битва за превосходство белой расы.
Макартура пытались пихать в президенты в 1948, но он провалился на праймериз в Висконсине и выпал из гонки. Пихал его в частности Robert E. Wood, председатель довоенного движения America First. В книжке The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War пишется “The general’s most passionate enthusiasts were isolationists - though MacArthur was not one himself, he was willing to dance with them - nativists, racists, anti-Semites, and labor haters. They were absolutely convinced that they were the truest representatives of what they called Americanism.”
Один из соратников Макартура, начальник его военной разведки Чарльз Уилоуби, которого Макартур любовно называл "my pet fascist", ездил в Испанию консультировать Франко. Другой его помощник, Уильям Гейл, основал движение Posse Comitatus, предвестник нынешних
антиправительственных течений, включая "конституционных шерифов".
Gale became involved with the white supremacist Aryan Nations after the war while a stockbroker in Southern California. In the mid-1970s, Gale, who liked to be called Rev. Gale, established the Identity Church in a mobile home on a remote ranch near Mariposa. He delivered stinging attacks on blacks and Jews from a pulpit backed by a huge Confederate flag.
http://articles.latimes.com/1988-05-04/news/mn-1880_1_other-racist-groups "Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul." - General Douglas MacArthur
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
June 12, 2013 Трамп упоминал генерала Макартура многократно и с восхищением. Обсуждая иракскую войну в 2003 на Fox News, oн говорил “Well, I’m starting to think that people are much more focused now on the economy. They’re getting a little bit tired of hearing ‘We’re going in, we’re not going in.’ Whatever happened to the days of Douglas MacArthur? Either do it or don’t do it.”
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/09/27/2003-clip-backs-up-trump-on-iraq-war-opposition.html На первых дебатах с Клинтон он говорил "She's telling us how to fight ISIS. Just go to her website. She tells you how to fight ISIS on her website. I don't think General Douglas MacArthur would like that too much."
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/09/26/the-first-trump-clinton-presidential-debate-transcript-annotated/?utm_term=.5df4e521f37f На трампинге в Колорадо в конце октября 2016: "Remember when we were young, we studied General MacArthur, General George Patton, these were tough people, smart people, smart people. General Douglas MacArthur, I think to this day, used to be when I was in school, to this day had the highest grades ever in the history of West Point. That's great. I think that's great. I'm a person that believes in that kind of stuff. Maybe I'm wrong but it's pretty impressive. General Douglas MacArthur was a great general. General Patton was a rough guy. His people would do anything for him. They would die for him. Today he couldn't make it because he is too tough. Today, we have guys that are politically correct. We have politically correct people."
http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1610/29/cnr.05.html Не является ли одержимость
Кореей и
ядерным оружием детским желанием вернуться и довоевать за генерала Макартура его "политически некорректную" войну?