Wall Street Journal публикует отрывок из новой книги Джона Маккейна
The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations, в которой он, не тратя лишних слов, говорит о Путине и путинизме.
Vladimir Putin is an evil man, and he is intent on evil deeds, which include the destruction of the liberal world order that the United States has led and that has brought more stability, prosperity and freedom to humankind than has ever existed in history. He is exploiting the openness of our society and the increasingly acrimonious political divisions consuming us. He wants to widen those divides and paralyze us from responding to his aggression. He meddled in one election, and he will do it again because it worked and because he has not been made to stop.
Putin’s goal isn’t to defeat a candidate or a party. He means to defeat the West. <...>
We must fight Vladimir Putin as determinedly as he fights us. We will stop him when we stop letting our partisan and personal interests expose our national security interests, even the integrity of our democracy and the rule of law, to his predation. We will stop him when we start believing in ourselves again and when we remember that our exceptionalism hasn’t anything to do with what we are-prosperous, powerful, envied-but with who we are: a people united by ideals, not ethnicity or geography, and determined to stand by those values, not just here at home but throughout the world.
https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/john-mccain-vladimir-putin-is-an-evil-man-1525964549 Об успехи операции по “destruction of the liberal world order” говорит заглавная картинка и редакционная статья в немецком журнале Шпигель, в ответ на разрыв Трампом соглашения с Ираном. Статья называется Time for Europe to Join the Resistance.
The West as we once knew it no longer exists. Our relationship to the United States cannot currently be called a friendship and can hardly be referred to as a partnership. President Trump has adopted a tone that ignores 70 years of trust. He wants punitive tariffs and demands obedience. It is no longer a question as to whether Germany and Europe will take part in foreign military interventions in Afghanistan or Iraq. It is now about whether trans-Atlantic cooperation on economic, foreign and security policy even exists anymore. The answer: No. It is impossible to overstate what Trump has dismantled in the last 16 months. Europe has lost its protective power. It has lost its guarantor of joint values. And it has lost the global political influence that it was only able to exert because the U.S. stood by its side. And what will happen in the remaining two-and-a-half years (or six-and-a-half years) of Trump's leadership? There is plenty of time left for further escalation.
http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/editorial-trump-deals-painful-blow-to-trans-atlantic-ties-a-1207260.html В том же номере - интервью
Майкла Хайдена.
DER SPIEGEL: While the security apparatus was focusing on terror, Vladimir Putin launched his grand campaign to influence the U.S. election. Why is Trump so reluctant to criticize the perpetrator?
Hayden: I really can't explain it. It could be that this is a man who never says sorry, a man who never says he's wrong. What the Russians did is a little like 9/11 in that it was an attack on us from an unexpected direction against a previously unknown weakness.
DER SPIEGEL: Are the security agencies doing enough to protect the mid-term elections?
Hayden: We can do extraordinary things, but our system only goes extraordinary when the president says: "All right. Everybody in. Here's what we're going to go do." He has not done that with regard to the Russians. So if the new NSA director discovers something about the Russians, where does he go? Who does he tell? What body is empowered to do something about it? That's my point.
DER SPIEGEL: Are you surprised by the daily revelations regarding the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller?
Hayden: I don't know the details of the investigation, but there was a lot of contact between the Trump campaign and the Russians. I'm not in a position to judge it, but God, there was a lot of contact. From a low-level advisor to the president's son.
DER SPIEGEL: Is that enough to prove collusion?
Hayden: No, it's sufficient to prove stupidity. I used to think that this is going to end up in a cloud and that will become a national Rorschach test with everybody seeing exactly what they want to see in the end result. But the longer the investigation goes, it looks as if there's more "there" there. It just seems to be an awful lot material that the special counsel is looking at.
http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/ex-cia-director-hayden-on-trump-and-iran-deal-a-1207278.html Click to view