Драматическое падение акций Фейсбука на прошлой неделе (самый крупный однодневный спад в истории) может быть продолжено.
британского парламента опубликовала на выходных промежуточный отчет расследования Disinformation and ‘fake news’:
https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmcumeds/363/36302.htm В отчете жестко критикуется
роль Фейсбука и Cambridge Analytica в распространении лживой пропаганды.
On June 19, Britain would have voted Remain. What changed Britain so directly, so dramatically, so invisibly?
pic.twitter.com/DS54PP9Eae- Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla)
July 27, 2018 Есть также раздел Russian influence in political campaigns.
The Committee heard evidence of a co-ordinated, long-standing campaign by the Russian Government to influence UK elections and referenda, and similar evidence of foreign interference is being investigated by the US Congress in respect of the 2016 US Presidential Election. Thanks to these hearings we know that, during the Presidential Election, the Russians ran over 3,000 adverts on Facebook and Instagram to promote 120 Facebook pages in a campaign that reached 126 million Americans. In further evidence from Facebook given to our Committee, we know that the Russians used sophisticated targeting techniques and created customized audiences to amplify extreme voices in the campaign, particular those on sensitive topics such as race relations and immigration.
Disinformation is an unconventional warfare, using technology to disrupt, to magnify, and to distort. According to research from 89up, the communications agency, Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik published 261 media articles on the EU Referendum, with an anti-EU sentiment, between 1 January 2016 and 23 June 2016. Their report also showed that RT and Sputnik had more reach on Twitter for anti-EU content than either Vote Leave or Leave.EU, during the Referendum campaign. A joint research project by the Universities of Swansea and of Berkeley, at the University of California, also identified 156,252 Russian accounts tweeting about #Brexit and that they posted over 45,000 Brexit messages in the last 48 hours of the campaign.
https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmcumeds/363/36308.htm В британском отчете делается множество рекомендаций, в том числе о расследовании российского вмешательства в голосование о Брекзите. Пять рекомендаций относительно дезинформации:
1) Make tech companies responsible and liable
2) Impose a levy on tech companies to fund education and the Information Commissioner's Office
3) Change the rules on political campaigning
4) Audit fake accounts through the Competition and Markets Authority
5) Establish a Digital Atlantic Charter
https://social.shorthand.com/CommonsCMS/ugTpXcp4JAt/5-recommendations-to-tackle-disinformation-and-fake-news В третьем пункте предлагается жестко регулировать политическую рекламу в социальных сетях и микротаргетинг:
There should be a public register for political advertising, requiring all political advertising work to be listed for public display so that, even if work is not requiring regulation, it is accountable and transparent for all to see. There should be a ban on micro-targeted political advertising to Facebook 'lookalike audiences' where users have requested not to receive political adverts.
The Electoral Commission should come forward with proposals for more stringent requirements for major donors to demonstrate the source of their donations.
Последний пункт касается сотрудничества с США:
The UK Government should consider establishing a digital Atlantic Charter as a new mechanism to reassure users that their digital rights are guaranteed. This innovation would demonstrate the UK's commitment to protecting and supporting users, and establish a formal basis for collaboration with the US on this issue.
Расследование британского парламента возглавляет подающий надежды 44-летний консерватор
Damian Collins. По ссылке выше приводится его цитата:
"We are facing nothing less than a crisis in our democracy - based on the systematic manipulation of data to support the relentless targeting of citizens, without their consent, by campaigns of disinformation and messages of hate.
We heard evidence of coordinated campaigns by Russian agencies to influence how people vote in elections around the world. This includes running adverts through Facebook during elections in other countries and in breach of their laws. Facebook failed to spot this at the time, and it was only discovered after repeated requests were made for them to look for evidence of this activity. Users were unaware that they were being targeted by political adverts from Russia, because they were made to look like they came from their own country, and there was no information available at all about the true identity of the advertiser."
У нынешнего руководства США несколько иные представления о проблеме "fake news".
At another point, Mr. Trump expressed pride in popularizing the phrase “fake news,” and said other countries had begun banning it. Mr. Sulzberger responded that those countries were dictatorships and that they were not banning “fake news” but rather independent scrutiny of their actions.