Ссылка на маккартизм в последние дни возникла дважды. Вначале - в открытом письме Трампу адмирала Уильяма Макравена, в
ответ на нападки на Джона Бреннана.
Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation.
If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/revoke-my-security-clearance-too-mr-president/2018/08/16/8b149b02-a178-11e8-93e3-24d1703d2a7a_story.html Admiral McRaven had full operational control of the Bin Laden mission
http://t.co/ccoFmRm9 @BarackObama gave vague directions.
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
April 27, 2012 Макравен прославился руководством операцией по ликвидации Осамы бин Ладена и пользуется огромным авторитетом, как среди военных, так и многих других. Его знаменитое выступление перед выпускниками в Остине в 2014 привело к его назначению канцлером (Chancellor) Университета Техаса и к книге
Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World, попавшей на первом месте в списке бестселлеров New York Times.
Click to view
"Know that life is not fair and that you will fail often. But if take you take some risks, step up when the times are toughest, face down the bullies, lift up the downtrodden and never, ever give up - if you do these things, then the next generation and the generations that follow will live in a world far better than the one we have today."
На этой неделе на первом месте в списке бестселлеров - книга республиканского политтехнолога, а ныне представителя движения "Never Trump" Рика Уилсона. Книжка называется
Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever.
Пример творчества Уилсона, из его регулярных публикаций в Daily Beast:
"On his best day, Trump is a dopey man-child, an egomaniacal narcissist who wears his many tells on his sleeve. Written across Trump’s soft, jowly face is a catalog of his blatantly obvious weaknesses-for flattery, money, sex, and status. He’s a walking catalog of the seven deadly sins, and even if Trump weren’t a man with a history of failed negotiations, blown deals, serial bankruptcies, rampant infidelities, wandering-cock syndrome, lousy business outcomes, and general stoogery, Putin would still be a formidable opponent.
By the end of the press conference, even Putin looked slightly embarrassed. He wanted Trump to go down in the third round like a bought-off boxer, but Trump kept laying it on thicker and thicker, swooning over the Russian leader, making winky-googly eyes, and repeating the worst tropes of Russia’s propaganda machine. Trump didn’t just roll over. He rolled over, stuck out his tongue, and begged Vladimir Putin to slap on a choke collar and rub his belly. An American president has never before abased himself like this before a foreign leader, and the horrified eyes of every American outside the Trump cult watched in horror."
https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-and-putin-two-bullshit-artists-enter-helsinki-one-comes-out-victorious Florida Media Man. Summer, 2018. A post shared by
Rick Wilson (@therickwilson) on Aug 18, 2018 at 10:04am PDT
Другое неуместное упоминание маккартизма было в твитах самого Трампа.
Study the late Joseph McCarthy, because we are now in period with Mueller and his gang that make Joseph McCarthy look like a baby! Rigged Witch Hunt!
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
August 19, 2018 Удивленные комментаторы обращают внимание на то, что ментором Трампа, с излюбленной тактикой "нападение - лучшая форма защиты", был
Рой Кон -
правая рука Маккарти.
В середине 20 века в США оперировали широкие сети кремлевских шпионов и "агентов влияния". Часть из них была выявлена и обезврежена с помощью секретного
проекта VENONA. Был разоблачен, в частности, Алгер Хисс - высокопоставленный дипломат, который принимал участие в создании ООН. Хисса в итоге посадили, но не за шпионаж, а за вранье под присягой.
Hiss was charged with perjury; he could not be indicted for espionage because the statute of limitations had run out. An extensive FBI investigation helped develop a great deal of evidence verifying Chambers’ statements and revealing Hiss’ cover-ups.
In 1949, the first trial resulted in a hung jury, but in 1950, Hiss was convicted. Sixty-three years ago today, he was sentenced to five years in prison, ending an important case that helped further confirm the increasing penetration of the U.S. government by the Soviets during the Cold War.
Click to view
До самой смерти в 1996 Хисс отрицал свою связь с Кремлем, но ныне опубликованные документы подтверждают изначальные выводы контрразведки о его работе на ГРУ.
I will conclude by noting that the identification of ALES as Alger Hiss, made by the U.S. Government more than a half-century ago, seems exceptionally solid based on the evidence now available; message 1822 is only one piece of that evidence, yet a compelling one.
Over the past decade, objections have been raised about possible linguistic anomalies or discrepancies in VENONA message 1822. The document revealed today, however, closes these debates. The original Russian text of that message leaves no doubt that ALES was a long-term, productive and well-placed GRU agent who employed members of his family in the espionage network he ran for Moscow.
http://www.johnearlhaynes.org/page61.html At least we caught Alger Hiss before he was holding a top White House job. This will all end quite badly for Moscow Mike Flynn.
- John Schindler (@20committee)
January 23, 2017 В то же время своей бурной деятельностью и необоснованными обвинениями сенатор Маккарти не столько помогал, сколько мешал усилиям контрразведки, дискредитируя саму идею разоблачения кремлевских агентов влияния. В этом смысле он действовал во многом как кремлевский провокатор.
By carelessly accusing innocent Americans of betrayal, the notorious Tailgunner Joe did Moscow a great service, since his smears distracted from the real Red spy network in the West, while tarring legitimate counterintelligence work with extremism and chicanery. More than a few U.S. counterspies have wondered what the boozy senator’s real motivations were, and Democrats today will wind up creating their own McCarthys if they’re not careful about distinguishing counterintelligence fact from hothouse spy-mania.
Интересна в этом смысле и роль Роя Кона. Посадивший на электрический стул супругов Розенбергов за передачу атомных секретов Кремлю и работавший правой рукой Маккарти, он одновременно был человеком, легко
поддающимся компромату и подсказавший своему подопечному идею контакта с Кремлем по вопросу атомного оружия.
He says he has never acted on his nuclear concern. But he says that his good friend Roy Cohn, the flamboyant Republican lawyer, has told him this interview is a perfect time to start.
"Some people have an ability to negotiate," he says. "It's an art you're basically born with. You either have it or you don't."
He would know what to ask the Russians for, he says. But he would rather not tip his hand publicly. "In the event anything happens with respect to me, I wouldn't want to make my opinions public," he says. "I'd rather keep those thoughts to myself or save them for whoever else is chosen . . .
"It's something that somebody should do that knows how to negotiate and not the kind of representatives that I have seen in the past."
He could learn about missiles, quickly, he says.
"It would take an hour-and-a-half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles . . . I think I know most of it anyway. You're talking about just getting updated on a situation . . . You know who really wants me to do this? Roy . . . I'd do it in a second."