Забавный креатив малоизвестного блоггера под названием #MuellerAnon: Time to Join the Cult, Y’all:
In short, I believe that our government has been taken over by the bad guys in roughly 70% of action movies. I believe the Russian Mafia won control of our current President and his “construction” business when they took NYC from the Five Families in the late 80’s mob war, and that the KGB started a back-burner operation to cultivate him shortly thereafter. I believe that Trump’s primary vocation was, and is, moving Putin’s money into Western banks. I believe that every building with his name on it is the product of a criminal conspiracy orchestrated by the Bayrock Group. I believe his golf courses layer the proceeds from the sale of children into their greens fees.
I believe everything about him is a lie, and his “flamboyant scumbag” persona is misdirection that hides unthinkable depravity in plain sight. I believe his campaign was a conduit for GRU psy-ops that turned Roger Ailes’ harem, and the existing apparatus of white radicalization and old-people-brainwashing, into a political weapon. I believe Paul Manafort and Konstantin Kilimnik were Trump’s handlers in 2016, and they selected Pence, Tillerson, and Wilbur Ross (at the very least) at Putin’s behest.
I believe that Trump’s reason for being in the White House has never been to make America great or even his own self-edification, but to undo the Pax Americana and all we hold dear in the name of our enemies. I believe Bob Mueller knows all of this, and that his entire life has culminated in a divine mission to ensure that Donald Trump dies in prison. As of the past few weeks, I believe his crusade has reached the Jordan. <...>
But the West is too strong, and its cause too just, to fall to drunken, nihilist gangsters or their puppets. Trump and his cadre of idiots stumbled into the greatest crime in history and made no effort whatsoever to cover their tracks, because if they knew anything, it’s that it would be really dumb if they won that election. But win they did, and even though the result made it impossible for anyone in the government to take Trump down directly, our legal system has slowly encircled him, piece by piece, conspirator by conspirator, and a grandmaster of the game has our would-be king in checkmate. He’s taken his time, but when you come at the President, you best not miss.
Just as surely as his name will someday erase the stain of J. Edgar Hoover’s from FBI Headquarters, Robert Swan Mueller III is purging the Oval Office of Trump’s corruption and Putin’s influence, and the country he has loved so well, and served so faithfully, will soon begin to heal. Already we appear to be awakening from the nightmare, so all we have to do now is collectively realize how scary that nightmare truly is.
https://medium.com/@jackwalsh/muelleranon-time-to-join-the-cult-yall-100777aa8b19 Who had Mike Flynn?
#FantasyIndictment pic.twitter.com/VmtCRRd6kY- Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB)
December 1, 2017 Игра в ожидание новостей от Мюллера действительно породила нездоровые надежды, внешне напоминающие надежды поклонников культа QAnon. Участники подкаста
Mueller, She Wrote играют в "Fantasy Indictment League", загадывая, кому следующему предъявят обвинения.
Но кое-что все-таки движется, и хочется надеяться, что
угроза номер пять не осуществится.
По поводу "if they knew anything, it’s that it would be really dumb if they won that election" и новостей по Майкла Коэна некоторые комментаторы стали более явно высказывать предположение, что Трамп не стремился выиграть на выборах. Возможно, он просто выполнял условия договора, чтобы откупиться от компромата или получить в обмен сотни миллионов прибыли от небоскреба в Москве.
He never really expected to be president. More than that, he never really hoped to be.
That’s why he didn’t put business matters on hold or disentangle himself from glaring conflicts of interest. That’s why he refused to yoke himself to the sorts of rules that his predecessors had endeavored to follow.
That’s why he indulged in behavior that would come back to haunt him in the White House: He never planned on moving there. He wasn’t supposed to come under this kind of glare or have to lie this much (though lying comes easily to him). If victory had really been the point, he might not have left himself so exposed.
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/18/opinion/buzzfeed-cohen-trump-tower.html Выскажу одно предположение в пользу этого соображения. В июле 2016 изобретательная журналистка
Ашли Файнберг придумала, как различать твиты, которые Трамп писал сам, от твитов, которые писали за него другие люди из избирательной кампании. Трамп отправлял свои собственные твиты с телефона Samsung Galaxy, который было легко распознать.
Like his wife, Donald Trump has never written all of his own material, but with his recent “professional” hires, it’s been harder than ever to tell which tweets actually come from the Donald himself. So we decided to make it easier. Meet @RealRealDonaldTrump-your only source for pure, unfiltered Trump tweets just the way god intended.
https://gawker.com/our-trump-twitter-bot-filters-out-donald-trumps-new-han-1783906386 Click to view
Я наблюдал за этой активностью и заметил, что три недели перед выборами (с 20 октября по 9 ноября 2016) Трамп сам в Твиттере ничего не писал, а речи на митингах читал с телепромптера и без отсебятины. Эта была совершенно удивительная для него дисциплина, которой он никогда больше не придерживался, в том числе перед критически важными выборами в Конгресс в 2018 или сейчас во время шатдауна.
Why didn't Hillary Clinton announce that she was inappropriately given the debate questions - she secretly used them! Crooked Hillary.
- @RealRealDonaldTrump (@RealRealDonaldT)
October 20, 2016 Such a beautiful and important evening! The forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again. We will all come together as never before
- @RealRealDonaldTrump (@RealRealDonaldT)
November 9, 2016 В чем было дело? Трудно поверить, что Трамп вдруг прислушался к совету своих помощников и решил, что они лучше него знают, как привлечь избирателей.
Поведение становится логичным, если предположить, что Трамп не ожидал победы на выборах, но хотел при этом продемонстрировать, что он делает все возможное для того, чтобы выиграть. Если бы он сорвался и затеял бы с кем-нибудь конфликт в Твиттере, это бы могло выглядеть со стороны, как саботаж. При этом Трамп готовился не только проиграть, но и устроить скандал по поводу нечестного подсчета голосов на выборах, который бы с радостью подхватили российские тролли и пропагандисты.
Теория напоминает фабулу фильма (и мюзикла) Мела Брукса "The Producers". В заметке после выборов Ашли Файнберг обратила внимание на несчастный и испуганный вид Трампа при первом посещении Белого дома.
Donald Trump does not want to be the president.
Donald Trump likes going to rallies. He likes hearing people scream his name in ecstasy while calling for the imprisonment and death of his enemies. He likes going on TV. He likes hearing about how high the ratings were after he goes on TV. He likes grabbing women by the pussy and moving on them “like a bitch.”
What Donald Trump does not like, however, is keeping his promises, sitting still for more than five minutes at a time, or doing any kind of work whatsoever, tedious or otherwise. It’s probably why so many of his business ventures were spectacular, blistering failures over the years.
But unfortunately for Donald Trump and everyone else in the world save Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump is about to be the president. And as miserable as it is for us, there is one small, saving grace amidst the despair: Donald Trump looks like he wants to die.
https://theconcourse.deadspin.com/donald-trump-doesnt-like-this-any-more-than-you-do-1788862854 Но после, как это обычно бывает, он вошел во вкус.