На выборах 2016 доминионисты вначале ставили на Теда Круза. К ним явным образом относился отец Круза, проповедник Рафаэль Круз, и превдоисторик Дэвид Бэртон, который руководил SuperPAC "Keep the Promise" с рекордными пожертвованиями для избрания Круза.
When Ted Cruz announced his candidacy for president, many assumed he would quietly distance himself from his father, Rafael Cruz, since the elder Cruz has long been extreme in his religious views, and outspoken in proclaiming them
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В руководство "Keep the Promise" также наняли Келлиэнн Коннуэй, которая позже вместе со Стивом Бэнноном руководила избирательной кампанией Трампа, а ныне работает его советником.
Neugebauer's goal from the beginning, in his telling, was to "expand the brand" of Cruz, a conservative crusader who had made more enemies than friends during his short time in the Senate. "Make him more likable to a larger audience of people" was how Neugebauer would later put it
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Братья Уилкс ныне спонсируют пропагандистский проект "Prager University".
The Wilks Brothers, along with political commentator Ben Shapiro helped launch and fund The Daily Wire, a conservative news and opinion website in 2015. Additionally, the Wilks Brothers are responsible for much of the funding of PragerU, a conservative YouTube channel and media company started by Dennis Prager to further conservative causes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_and_Farris_Wilks
Их собственные религиозные наклонности замысловаты.
In addition to his business ventures, Farris, the older brother, is also a pastor at the church founded by his father, The Assembly of Yahweh (7th Day). The church’s doctrine seems to be an amalgam based on the elder Wilks’ anachronistic interpretations of the Bible. It combines biblical literalism with a heavy emphasis on the Old Testament: The church celebrates its Sabbath on Saturday, follows the dietary rules laid down in Leviticus, and
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Братья-миллиардеры из Техаса также спонсируют влиятельных доминионистов из Калифорнии.
Rob McCoy is pastor of Godspeak Calvary Chapel church and, as of Tuesday, mayor of Thousand Oaks, California. In September, over some neighborhood opposition, his congregation moved into a former YMCA facility that was bought and renovated by the foundation of Dan Wilks, a Texas fracking billionaire who supports Religious Right and Christian nationalist causes. According to the Citizens Journal, Wilks was on hand to celebrate the move. This is not the first time McCoy has benefited from the largesse of the Wilks family. When McCoy made his first run for public office, for state legislature in 2014, Dan Wilks, his brother Farris and their wives gave thousands of dollars to McCoy’s campaign. (After losing his bid for the legislature, McCoy ran for and won a seat on the Thousand Oaks City Council
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When Ted Cruz announced his candidacy for president, many assumed he would quietly distance himself from his father, Rafael Cruz, since the elder Cruz has long been extreme in his religious views, and outspoken in proclaiming them ( ... )
Neugebauer's goal from the beginning, in his telling, was to "expand the brand" of Cruz, a conservative crusader who had made more enemies than friends during his short time in the Senate. "Make him more likable to a larger audience of people" was how Neugebauer would later put it ( ... )
The Wilks Brothers, along with political commentator Ben Shapiro helped launch and fund The Daily Wire, a conservative news and opinion website in 2015. Additionally, the Wilks Brothers are responsible for much of the funding of PragerU, a conservative YouTube channel and media company started by Dennis Prager to further conservative causes.
Их собственные религиозные наклонности замысловаты.
In addition to his business ventures, Farris, the older brother, is also a pastor at the church founded by his father, The Assembly of Yahweh (7th Day). The church’s doctrine seems to be an amalgam based on the elder Wilks’ anachronistic interpretations of the Bible. It combines biblical literalism with a heavy emphasis on the Old Testament: The church celebrates its Sabbath on Saturday, follows the dietary rules laid down in Leviticus, and ( ... )
Rob McCoy is pastor of Godspeak Calvary Chapel church and, as of Tuesday, mayor of Thousand Oaks, California. In September, over some neighborhood opposition, his congregation moved into a former YMCA facility that was bought and renovated by the foundation of Dan Wilks, a Texas fracking billionaire who supports Religious Right and Christian nationalist causes. According to the Citizens Journal, Wilks was on hand to celebrate the move. This is not the first time McCoy has benefited from the largesse of the Wilks family. When McCoy made his first run for public office, for state legislature in 2014, Dan Wilks, his brother Farris and their wives gave thousands of dollars to McCoy’s campaign. (After losing his bid for the legislature, McCoy ran for and won a seat on the Thousand Oaks City Council ( ... )
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