Речь в посте пойдёт о трёх мыслителях, которые не дожили до Трампа, но внесли незаменимую лепту в идеологические ручейки, которые слились в реку трампизма.
Первый из них - рождённый в Полтаве Борис Львович Бразоль (1885-1963). Отец Бразоля, выпускник Харьковской мужской гимназии и Петербургской военно-медицинской академии, был крупнейшим гомеопатом Российской империи, по совместительству антипрививочником и автором трактата “Мнимая польза и действительный вред оспопрививания”. Его сын также получил хорошее образование, закончив юридический факультет Санкт-Петербургского университета. Работая в имперском министерстве юстиции, он принимал участие в подготовке обвинения по
делу Бейлиса.
В 1917 Бразоль оказался в командировке в США, расследуя дело о военных поставках, и застрял после революции в качестве иммигранта. Позже он внесёт вклад в иммигрантскую жизнь, став первым председателем американского Пушкинского общества. Его более весомый вклад заключался в переносе российского антисемитизма на американскую почву. Именно Бразоль перевёл на английский «
Протоколы сионских мудрецов», который затем издавал Генри Форд.
While the Protocols were whispered about in anti-Semitic circles in the United States, they did not reach American shores in English translation until 1917. A Russian monarchist émigré, Boris Brasol, translated the Protocols into English and passed a copy to the State Department, hoping to persuade the United States government to withhold recognition of the Soviet regime. He was convinced that the Bolsheviks were in the pay of American Jewish bankers of German background -- Jacob Schiff and Felix Warburg in particular - who had financed the Czar's overthrow to advance German interests in World War I. <...>
When Small, Maynard published Brasol’s edition, bookstores refused to carry it. Sales were robust by mail order, but Brasol’s hopes of reaching masses of Americans to convince them that communism was an outgrowth of Zionism were dashed, at least temporarily. Resilient in his efforts, Brasol sent a copy of the Protocols to automobile manufacturer Henry Ford, who was convinced that they were authentic. For the next two years, Ford gave the Protocols wide circulation in his newspaper, the Dearborn Independent.
Nothing did more to poison the atmosphere against American Jewry in the years between 1920 and 1922 than Ford’s publication of the Protocols. Apparently at Ford’s urging, the editor of the Dearborn Independent, William Cameron, reworked the Protocols into a series of articles, “The International Jew.” Cameron described the Protocols as “the most comprehensive program for world subjugation that has ever come to public knowledge.” Cameron believed the Protocols probably did not originate with the Basle Congress, but “may have come to them as part of their ancient Jewish inheritance.” The Zionists probably reported to a modern Sanhedrin presided over by a direct descendant of King David. Cameron believed that, at that point, the United States was “very largely in the hands of, or under the influence of, Jewish interests.” Liberalism, jazz and the decline in Christian virtue were all signs, for Cameron, that the Jewish conspiracy was on its way to success. According to the blueprint, Jews would cause more wars, famines and revolutions -- of which the Bolshevik was only the first -- as a means to world domination.
The “International Jew” series stopped running in 1922, but it was widely quoted. It was not until 1927, after a libel suit and Jewish boycott of Ford products that Henry Ford recanted. In a letter to Louis Marshall, Ford claimed not to have paid any “personal attention” to the series. Ford professed to being “deeply mortified” to learn that the Protocols were forgeries and that his newspaper had offended Jewish sensibilities.
https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-ldquo-protocols-rdquo-come-to-america Бразоль играл роль и в другой активности, включая предвоенное движение America First. Из справки в архивах ФБР:
FBI file HQ 100-22487, #18 (2/19/42 NYC field report, pg 9-10) contains report by Brasol acquaintance who had a 2-hour conversation with Brasol in October 1941. This person stated: “Mr. Brasol told me bluntly that he has not changed his previous ideas and that only the Jews are responsible for the Bolshevism and Communism in Russia and that to liberate Russian from the yoke of the Jews, all Russians must wish the defeat of Russia at the hands of the German. ‘I prefer Hitler to Stalin’ Brasol told me, ‘no matter what happens afterward’. “
Запущенная Бразолем идея связать банкиров и большевиков в один всемирный еврейский заговор ждала своего часа. В 1962 калифорнийское антисемитское издательство выпускает английский перевод книги другого монархиста, генерал-лейтенанта Арсения Гулевича. Книжка «Царизм и революция» изначально вышла на французском в 1931. Гулевич, умерший в Париже в 1947, отметился посланием немецкому командованию в июне 1941.
Председатель Гвардейского объединения во Франции, генерал-лейтенант Арсений Гулевич, 24 июня направил приветственный адрес главе оккупационной администрации, генерал-лейтенанту Отто фон Штюльпнагелю:
«Как старейший русский генерал во Франции и как председатель Гвардейского объединения, я счастлив засвидетельствовать перед Вами как перед Главнокомандующим Германской армией во Франции, что бывшие офицеры Русской Императорской гвардии и армии приветствуют от всего сердца предпринятую Фюрером войну против большевиков. Мы выражаем пожелание скорейшей победы для свержения иудобольшевизма и уверены, что освобожденная от советской власти Россия немедленно явится могучим фактором в создании Новой Европы на основе возвышенных принципов, провозглашенных Фюрером. Мы готовы приложить все наши силы для участия в этом величайшем мировом событии и просим дать нам возможность исполнить наш долг»[20].
http://www.intelros.ru/readroom/nz/n3-2014/24055-sshiblis-dva-antihrista-22-iyunya-1941-goda-v-ocenke-russkoy-emigracii.html В «Царизм и революция» со ссылкой на изыскания Бразоля Гулевич пишет: “The main purveyors of funds for the revolution, however, were neither the crackpot Russian millionaires nor the armed bandits of Lenin. The "real" money primarily came from certain British and American circles which for a long time past had lent their support to the Russian revolutionary cause. <...> The important part played by the wealthy American banker, Jacob Schiff in the events in Russia, though as yet only partially revealed, is no longer a secret.“
Справка про издательство, выпустившее эту макулатуру:
Omni is a leading purveyor of radical traditionalist Catholic materials, including a cornucopia of rabidly anti-Semitic and conspiratorial writings. Run by Phil Serpico, son of the former aerospace technician who started the organization in 1958, Omni describes the Jews as "the first civilization to practice the belief in racial supremacy, and the chief advocate of that practice today." That's mild compared to the offerings that grace Omni's book catalogue, including Richard Harwood's Did Six Million Really Die? (published by neo-Nazi Ernst Zundel); Henry Ford's The International Jew, available abridged or in a deluxe, four-volume set; Arthur Butz's Holocaust-denying The Hoax of the Twentieth Century ("a must read into the biggest hoax in world history, who's behind it, how they've profited from it, and what can be done to put an end to it"); several issues of the late Father Leonard Feeney's Jew-bashing monthly The Point; The Judaic Connection, describing a Judeo-Masonic conspiracy against the Catholic Church; and even defenses of Hitler.
Для обоснования существования тайного глобалистского заговора ссылки на креатив Арсения Гулевича появятся в 1971 в нашумевшей книжке “
None Dare Call It Conspiracy”, а до этого в 1970 - в сочинении мормонского деятеля Клеона Скоусена, второго предтечи.
Скоусен родился в мормонской общине в Канаде и успел поработать агентом ФБР и полицейским начальником Солтлейк Сити до того, как пристроится на профессорскую позицию в мормонском Университете Бригама Янга. В истории правого экстремизма в Америке малоприметный Скоусен сыграл центральную роль - через него проходит связь между John Birch Society, Council for National Policy,
сенатором Хэтчем, Гленном Беком и Tea Party. Без завязки подобного узла трампизму было бы не за что зацепиться.
After losing his police job, Skousen founded a group called the All-American Society, which Time magazine described in 1961 as an "exemplar of the far-right ultras." Throughout the 1960s, Skousen was also admired by members and leaders of the John Birch Society, although members of the more mainstream conservative movement and the American Security Council snubbed him out of fear that his controversial views would hurt the credibility of the conservative movement. Skousen used Birch Society magazines as source and reference material, and was pictured on the cover of its magazine, American Interest. Although he was never officially a member of the organization, he was a member of its speakers' bureau and lectured at John Birch Society events throughout the United States for many years. A 1962 FBI memo described Skousen as affiliating with an "extreme right-wing" group which was promoting "anticommunism for obvious financial purposes". Skousen authored a pamphlet titled The Communist Attack on the John Birch Society, characterizing criticism of the Society as incipient communism.
In 1981, the first year of Ronald Reagan's presidency, Skousen was asked to be a charter member of the conservative thinktank the Council for National Policy, founded by Tim LaHaye, author of the Left Behind series of books. Other early participants included Paul Weyrich; Phyllis Schlafly; Robert Grant; Howard Phillips, a former Republican affiliated with the Constitution Party; Richard Viguerie, the direct-mail specialist; and Morton Blackwell, a Louisiana and Virginia activist who is considered a specialist on the rules of the Republican Party. Skousen's proposals with the group included a plan to convert the Social Security system to private retirement accounts as well as a plan that he claimed would completely wipe out the national debt.
В конце 1960ых внимание Скоусена привлекла книга либерального историка Кэрролла Куигли “Tragedy and Hope”. Куигли рассказывал между делом про то, что тайные заговоры иногда имеют место - вроде английского движения Круглых Столов, которое пыталось развивать связи между Великобританией и ее колониями. У озабоченного конспирологией Скоусена это перещелкнулось с тем, о чем писали Гулевич и Бразоль (а до них - автор «Протоколов»
Матвей Головинский) и возникло озарение о всемирном заговоре и Новом Мировом Порядке. Именно Скоусен указал на CFP, как гнездо глобалистов, что вдохновило бывших берчеров
создать CNP в качестве противовеса.
The purpose of liberal internationalist groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations, argued Skousen, was to push "U.S. foreign policy toward the establishment of a world-wide collectivist society." Skousen claimed the Anglo-American banking establishment had a long history of such activity going back to the Bolshevik Revolution. He substantiated this claim by citing the work of a former Czarist army officer named Arsene de Goulevitch. Among Goulevitch's own sources is Boris Brasol, a pro-Nazi Russian émigré who provided Henry Ford with the first English translation of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
"The Naked Capitalist" does not seem like a text that would be part of the required reading list on any reputable college campus, but some BYU professors taught it out of allegiance to Skousen. Terrified, the editors of Dialogue: The Journal of Mormon Thought invited "Tragedy and Hope" author Carroll Quigley to comment on Skousen's interpretation of his work. They also asked a highly respected BYU history professor named Louis C. Midgley to review Skousen's latest pamphlet. Their judgment was not kind. In the Autumn/Winter 1971 issue of Dialogue, the two men accused Skousen of "inventing fantastic ideas and making inferences that go far beyond the bounds of honest commentary." Skousen not only saw things that weren't in Quigley's book, they declared, he also missed what actually was there -- namely, a critique of ultra-far-right conspiracists like Willard Cleon Skousen.
"Skousen's personal position," wrote a dismayed Quigley, "seems to me perilously close to the 'exclusive uniformity' which I see in Nazism and in the Radical Right in this country. In fact, his position has echoes of the original Nazi 25-point plan."
По заданию Эдгара Гувера в аналитическом центре ФБР проверили конспирологические выдумки Скоусена и нашли, что они взялись из чистого воздуха.
In March 1971, J. Edgar Hoover saw a copy of Skousen’s article in Law and Order magazine and he asked staff in the FBI’s Crime Research Section: “Can we authenticate statements made in this article?”
The resulting 4/19/71 memo in reply to Hoover’s inquiry is 11-pages and is FBI HQ file 94-47468, serial #98.
Но фантазии Скоусена (умершего в 2006) продолжали жить не только среди заговорщиков CNP. Через пару лет после его смерти их подхватил другой влиятельный мормон, популярный телеведущий
Гленн Бек. Бек особенно рекламировал книгу “The Five Thousand Year Leap”, в которой подчеркивалось божественное происхождение США и намекалось на коварный заговор глобалистов, которые пытаются свернуть страну с предназначенного ей пути.
Из заметки Дэвида Фрума в марте 2009 под названием “What Is Going On At Fox News?”:
Beck is eclipsing Sean Hannity as Fox’s second-biggest story; very likely the ratings for the Friday special even overtook O’Reilly. Clearly, Beck is tapping into something. What? <...>
The audience for Beck’s Friday night special were each given copies of two books. One of them was Cleon Skousen’s Five Thousand Year Leap. Skousen, who died in 2006, is one of the legendary cranks of the conservative world, a John Bircher, a grand fantasist of theories about secret conspiracies between capitalists and communists to impose a one-world government under the control of David Rockefeller.
There’s always been a market for this junk of course. Once that market was reached via mimeographed newsletters. Now it’s being tapped by Fox News.
Conspiracy theories always flourish during economic downturns. They flourished during the terrible slump of the 1890s (when they captured even so fine a mind as Henry Adams) and again in the 1930s. Today’s slump - so vast, so difficult to understand - opens the door again.
И действительно, финансовый кризис 2008-2009 стал звездным часом Бека. Целевая аудитория Fox News страдала от экономического краха и переполнялась ненавистью к банкирам. Достаточно было перенаправить их ненависть в нужную сторону, как родилось движение Tea Party. Финансирование движения обеспечивали братья Кохи, наследники состояния
члена того же John Birch Society. Цель Кохов могла быть не только идеологической, но и сугубо меркантильной. Уменьшение налогов и регуляций увеличивает доходы корпораций и более чем окупает затраты на политическую деятельность. Как бы то ни было, Гленн Бек с сочинениями Скоусена под мышкой и рупором Fox News оказался незаменим в качестве идеолога движения. Республиканцы отвоевали большинство в Палате представителей Конгресса на выборах 2010, а в 2011 Бек растерял рекламодателей и
был уволен с Fox News.
Вспоминает известный политтехнолог и социолог Франк Лунтц:
“You don’t go from anger to indifference. You go from anger to hate, to those who made your life worse in order to make somebody else’s life better. And I don’t think people understand that, because I don’t know how many people go beyond the Strip. Vegas was the perfect place to study this because it was such a disaster. And everybody went to the casinos, where money is still flowing. I went 10 miles beyond the Strip to where the people used to work, and it was like a depression, and they blamed Barack Obama for it. The economic conditions had taken place under George W. Bush, but they blamed Obama because of the bailout. And they were resentful, and they wanted to punish him. And that’s why the Tea Party was created and why 2010 was such an overwhelming Republican landslide.
And by the way, it would never have happened without Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck was the catalyst for the uprising. And it was his combination of moral outrage and economic conservatism. You could not have had one without the other. In order for the Tea Party to be created, you had to have that fervor. But it had to be based in some sort of moral righteousness, and Glenn had the perfect phraseology that took this anger and channeled it into an organization that rose up from nowhere. And the consequence of that is that he created thousands and thousands of Glenn Becks that went to town hall after town hall and gave their members so much s---.”
https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/interview/frank-luntz-4/ Непосредственно после выборов Лунтц писал:
The tea party is not some fringe coalition hopelessly removed from the mainstream. It is not, as the Washington Post recently wrote, "a disparate band of vaguely connected gatherings that do surprisingly little to engage in the political process." The movement supplied the ideas that made independent voters flip from favoring Democrats by an 18-point margin in 2006 to supporting Republicans by 15 points last week - and it will keep pressuring the government to change until the government truly changes.
As much as Democrats rightfully fret over the tea party, establishment Republicans should fear it just as much. The movement has already put Republicans on notice: Deliver or get dumped. Nearly 6 in 10 registered voters I surveyed the weekend before the elections agreed with the following statement: "If Republicans do win a majority in the House and Senate and fail to deliver on their promises, I would consider supporting the creation of a new third party dedicated to reducing the size and scope of Washington." (Only 17 percent disagreed.)
And when asked "which best represents your views?" about a third of registered voters, 36 percent, chose Democrats, while 25 percent chose the GOP and 22 percent opted for the tea party. Together, Republicans and the tea party movement represent 47 percent of America to the Democrats' 36 percent. That's a recipe for massive electoral success in 2012 if they stay united, but unprecedented failure if they pull apart.
This is the whole story of American politics today. When conservatives are divided or dispirited, Democrats win. But united, conservatives control the political landscape.
Если генерал Гулевич транслировал Бразоля, а Гленн Бек - Скоусена, то третьего мыслителя из числа предтеч трампизма транслировал кандидат в президенты,
Пэт Бьюкенен, продолжатель конспирологии о Новом Мировом Порядке.
Мыслителя звали Сэм Фрэнсис (1947-2005). Фрэнсис был последовательным палеоконсерватором, что с неизбежностью привело его к незамутненному расизму. По иронии его первая монография (написанная для Heritage Foundation в 1981) называлась “The Soviet Strategy of Terror”. Позже Фрэнсис работал помощником сенатора Джона Иста, протеже
Джесси Хелмса, и помогал этим двум сенаторам бороться против Martin Luther King Day. Ист покончил с собой в 1986, и Фрэнсис перешёл на сочинение колонок в газетах и помощь Бьюкенену в избирательных кампаниях. Под конец жизни он играл роль последовательного противника неоконсерваторов в окружении Буша (которых он называл «ликудниками») и объявленной Бушем “War on Terror”. Ликудник Дэвид Фрум писал про него в 2003 в статье “Unpatriotic Conservatives”:
Francis advocated a politics of uninhibited racial nationalism - a politics devoted to the protection of the interests of what he called the “Euro-American cultural core” of the American nation. He argued that the time had come for conservatives to jettison their old commitment to limited government: A “nationalist ethic,” he wrote in 1991, “may often require government action.”
So, Chronicles advocated protectionism for American industry and restrictions on nonwhite immigration. It defended minimum-wage laws and attacked corporations that moved operations off-shore. And it championed the Southern Confederacy of the 1860s and the anti-civil rights resistance of the 1960s. <...>
Of all the limits against which the paleoconservatives chafed, the single most irksome was the limit placed by civilized opinion upon overtly racialist speech. Francis’s speech at the 1994 conference of the white-supremacist American Renaissance organization, for example, ultimately cost him his job as a staff columnist at the Washington Times. Today he earns his living as editor-in-chief of the Citizens’ Informer, the newspaper of the Council of Conservative Citizens, the successor group to the White Citizens’ Councils of the segregated South; he moonlights as an editor of The Occidental Quarterly, a pseudo-scholarly “journal of Western thought and opinion.” <...>
America has social problems; the American family is genuinely troubled. The conservatism of the future must be a social as well as an economic conservatism. But after the heroism and patriotism of 9/11 it must also be an optimistic conservatism.
There is, however, a fringe attached to the conservative world that cannot overcome its despair and alienation. The resentments are too intense, the bitterness too unappeasable. Only the boldest of them as yet explicitly acknowledge their wish to see the United States defeated in the War on Terror. But they are thinking about defeat, and wishing for it, and they will take pleasure in it if it should happen.
https://davidfrum.com/article/unpatriotic-conservatives Фрэнсис не дожил до того, чтобы “take pleasure in it”, но на том свете мог вдоволь посмеяться над провалом Фрума и неоконов с их иракской авантюрой. При жизни он критиковал неоконов-ликудников за то, что они загрязнили посконный американский консерватизм в духе
Маккарти и Тафта чуждым либерализмом.
"Old conservatives who welcomed the neocons into their ranks soon found that their new allies often displayed the habit of telling them what was and what was not "permissible" to say and how to say it. Criticism of the New Left and domestic communism was fine, but what the neoconservatives regarded as "McCarthyism" - calling for restoration of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, for example, or the FBI's domestic security functions - was not respectable. Criticizing affirmative action was also okay, but criticism of unconstitutional civil rights legislation, the civil rights movement, or Martin Luther King Jr. was not respectable. Old conservative heroes like Joseph McCarthy, Douglas MacArthur, Charles Lindbergh, Robert Taft, and even Barry Goldwater tended to disappear or earn scorn in neoconservative journals, while Harry Truman, George Marshall, Hubert Humphrey, and Henry Jackson developed into idols before which conservatives were supposed to bend the knee. Almost none of the neoconservatives showed any interest in American constitutional principles or federalist and states' rights issues and arguments based on constitutionalism were muted in favor of the "empirical" arguments drawn from disciplines like sociology and political science in which neoconservative academics tended to concentrate."
https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/item/15541-neocon-invasion 11/ A true American Right, as Sam Francis understood it, is just now arising.
- Richard 🦁 Spencer (@RichardBSpencer)
October 23, 2017 Через 10 лет после смерти Фрэнсиса расистский террорист Дилан Руф совершит массовый расстрел в Южной Каролине, вдохновившись сайтом расистской организации CCC, в которой работал Фрэнсис : “The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong.”
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/12/13/universal/document-Dylann-Roof-manifesto.html На том же сайте было такое послание: "Controlling immigration is about the security of this republic [terrorists illegally crossing the borders] and making sure countries like Mexico stop dumping their murderers, rapists, those carrying AIDS and other communicable diseases and gang members on America's door step."
Одновременно с терактом появился кандидат, который говорил почти тем же языком.
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley said Thursday she wishes Donald Trump communicated differently because bad things result from divisive rhetoric, as evidenced by last June’s massacre in Charleston.
The Republican governor said divisive speech motivated Dylann Roof to gun down nine black parishioners at historic Emanuel AME Church. Police have said the white 22-year-old charged with their killings wanted to start a race war.
Haley, who endorsed then-candidate Marco Rubio ahead of South Carolina’s primary, said she has vocally criticized Trump because “I know what that rhetoric can do. I saw it happen.”
https://apnews.com/50f054847da3408ab0e5e4183968d1ea Знающие люди сразу распознали секрет успеха этого кандидата - он в точности следовал старому рецепту Сэма Фрэнсиса, время которого пришло.
“What is so crucial to Trump's success, even within the Republican Party, is his almost total ditching of conservatism as a governing philosophy. He is doing the very thing Pat Buchanan could not, and would not do. And in this, he is following the advice of Sam Francis to a degree almost unthinkable.”
https://theweek.com/articles/599577/how-obscure-adviser-pat-buchanan-predicted-wild-trump-campaign-1996 Три ручейка из прошлого слились в одну реку. Осталось понять, удастся ли войти в ту же реку дважды.
The Francis Strategy is not a new idea. It is an old idea that is becoming less and less relevant moving forward. If Sam were alive today, he would be re-thinking it and moving beyond it.
- Richard 🦁 Spencer (@RichardBSpencer)
November 26, 2018