Новости про Пола Манафорта:
1. Расследование AP обнаружило след выплаты по тайным платежкам Януковича.
Ukrainian investigators called it evidence of off-the-books payments from a pro-Russian political party - and part of a larger pattern of corruption under the country's former president. Manafort, who worked for the party as an international political consultant, has publicly questioned the ledger's authenticity.
Now, financial records newly obtained by The Associated Press confirm that at least $1.2 million in payments listed in the ledger next to Manafort's name were actually received by his consulting firm in the United States. They include payments in 2007 and 2009, providing the first evidence that Manafort's firm received at least some money listed in the so-called Black Ledger.
https://www.apnews.com/20cfc75c82eb4a67b94e624e97207e23/AP-Exclusive:-Manafort-firm-received-Ukraine-ledger-payout Тем самым подтвердилось подозрение Путина о том, что Янукович плохо умеет прятать концы в воду. Об этих подозрениях сообщалось в досье Стила:
1. Speaking in late August 2016, in the immediate aftermath of Paul MANAFORT's resignation as campaign manager for US Republican presidential candidate Donald TRUMP, a well-placed Russian figure reported on a recent meeting between President PUTIN and ex-President YANUKOVYCH of Ukraine. This had been held in secret on 15 August near Volgograd, Russia and the western media revelations about MANAFORT and Ukraine had featured prominently on the agenda. YANUKOVYCH had confided in PUTIN that he did authorise and order substantial kick-back payments to MANAFORT as alleged but sought to reassure him that there was no documentary trail left behind which could provide clear evidence of this.
2. Given YANUKOVYCH's (unimpressive) record in covering up his own corrupt tracks in the past, PUTIN and others in the Russian leadership were sceptical about the ex-Ukrainian president's reassurances on this as relating to MANAFORT. They therefore still feared the scandal had legs, especially as MANAFORT had been commercially active in Ukraine right up to the time (in March 2016) when he joined TRUMP's campaign team. For them it therefore remained a point of potential political vulnerability and embarrassment.
2. Расследование NYT выяснило, что в 2016 Манафорт остро нуждался в деньгах и сразу после своей отставки в августе набрал многомиллионных долгов.
Papers were recorded that same day creating a shell company controlled by Mr. Manafort that soon received $13 million in loans from two businesses with ties to Mr. Trump, including one that partners with a Ukrainian-born billionaire and another led by a Trump economic adviser. They were among $20 million in loans secured by properties belonging to Mr. Manafort and his wife.
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/12/us/politics/paul-manafort-donald-trump.html 3. Манафорт регистрируется ретроспективно в качестве "иностранного агента".
Manafort is expected to register with the Justice Department as a foreign agent representing Ukraine's interests between 2012 and 2014, the sources said.
http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/12/politics/paul-manafort-ukraine/index.html Но это, очевидно, самая меньшая из его проблем.
Другой человек,
замешанный в украинских контактах - Майкл Коэн, правая рука и личный адвокат Трампа. Расследование
Юрия Фельштинского на основе судебных архивов, находящихся в публичном доступе, показывает, что Коэн был непосредственно замешен в конце 1990ых в отмывании денег Измайловской ОПГ.
Личный адвокат президента США Дональда Трампа Майкл Коэн, с 2007 года являющийся сотрудником Организации Трампа (The Trump Organization), член совета директоров Trump World Tower Condominium Board и Trump Park Avenue Condominium Board, вовлеченный в недавнюю попытку реализации так называемого "мирного российско-украинского плана" Феликса Сатера и Андрея Артеменко, о чем подробно писалось в мировой прессе, является доверенным лицом российской организованной преступности по крайней мере с 1999 года и занимается отмывкой денег для российских граждан, связанных или подозреваемых в связях с российской мафией.
Интересна роль хоккеистов в деле американской легализации российских ОПГ. Если
Вячеслав Фетисов был связан с "солнцевскими", то Владимир Малахов - с "измайловскими".