Интересные дискуссии на конференции по вопросам национальной безопасности в Аспене.
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Участвующая в дискуссии Эвелин Фаркаш (Evelyn Farkas) в 2012-2015 работала в Пентагоне Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia. Она ушла в отставку в октябре 2015 после того, как не смогла убедить администрацию Обамы в необходимости оказать более серьёзную поддержку Украине, включая поставки оружия. После этого она консультировала избирательную кампанию Клинтон.
Про российские связи Трампа Фаркаш писала и выступала много раз. В статье апреля 2016 Trump and Putin: Two Liars Separated at Birth? она говорит об опасном пристрастии Трампа к вранью.
http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/04/donald-trump-2016-vladimir-putin-liars-213788В статье декабря 2016 Here’s What America Needs to Know About Trump and Russia она задаёт прямой вопрос о марионеточности Трампа:
As the public and legislators press for more clarity, there are a handful of specific questions they need to focus on:
1) What did Russia do to interfere in U.S. elections?
2) Did any American citizens collude with Russia to assist in the Kremlin’s efforts to interfere in elections? If so how, and were Trump associates, or Trump himself, aware?
3) Have Russians given or loaned Trump and/or his businesses money, or provided collateral or other financial assistance to him?
If the answers yield further evidence that the president-elect is indebted to the Russian government or individuals with Kremlin ties, the intelligence community and policy officials should also begin disclosing what they know about whether Trump's associates have been in contact with Russian officials, and what they've been discussing.
http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/12/trump-russia-intelligence-need-to-know-214520 Недавняя статья, в соавторстве с другими специалистами предлагает комплекс мер для обуздания российской агрессии:
In this paper, we argue that Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election is just one part of a wide-ranging effort by Moscow to undermine confidence in democracy and the rule of law throughout countries in the West. Russia has engaged in this effort because, in both economic and demographic terms, it is a declining power - the only way it can “enhance” its power is by weakening its perceived adversaries. Because Russia’s aim is to erode the health of Western nations, we argue it is time for America and its allies to employ a comprehensive, non-kinetic response to contain Russia.
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В другой панельной дискуссии бывший руководитель ЦРУ Бреннан и бывший руководитель Национальной разведки Клеппер не тратили лишних слов.
Both men have been critical of Trump before, but not in such an unvarnished fashion. "In some respects,” Brennan said, “we're a nation in crisis right now."
At one point, the sustained nature of their criticism prompted Clapper to pause for some comic relief.
“By the way,” he said, “if John and I are being too subtle here, let us know.”
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В панельной дискуссии про войну в киберпространстве наиболее интересными были комментарии
Клинта Уоттса.