вотэбаутизм ("А у вас негров линчуют!") при всей своей тупости имел стратегическую направленность. Вместо того, чтобы критиковать Америку за отсутствие демократии (что было бы совсем глупо), ее критиковали за то, что демократия недостаточно совершенна и имеет погрешности.
докладе 1985 г. о порочности моральной эквивалентности между США и СССР Джин Киркпатрик писала:
Unlike the fascists, Marxists, of course, do not attack our basic values forthrightly. Instead, they denounce our societies in terms of our own values. They do not postulate alternative values; they postulate a radical critique of our societies and institutions by expropriating our language, our values. Thus democracies are attacked as not truly democratic, because they cannot guarantee economic equality. The argument follows that this makes political equality impossible and in the absence of political equality, it has been asserted that there cannot be free elections or freedom of any sort. Or the absence of perfect political equality in an electoral system means that the elections are a fraud. Their point is that a regime whose practices systematically betray their basic values is obviously a failed regime. If our practices betray our own deepest values then we fail; we are a failed regime. If we pretend to hallow values which our practices do not perfectly achieve, then we are guilty of falsification. So we are both a failure and a fraud. Obviously, such a regime does not deserve the loyalty or affection of either its citizens or its friends. Thus, if the United States is a fraudulent, falsifying society which exploits its workers and subjugates all in a facade of democracy, then it is obviously not worthy of respect.
https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/the-myth-of-moral-equivalence/ Несовершенство американской демократической системы в части свободы слова ныне эксплуатируется нацистскими троллями из alt-right. Появляясь в либеральных местах вроде Портленда и Беркли и провоцирую антифашистов на срыв митингов, эти люди получают возможность упрекать либералов, проповедующих толерантность, в отсутствии этой самой толерантности, а значит в "лицемерии".
Joey Gibson, ныне почетный гость Такера Карлсона на Fox News - один из таких успешных троллей.
After his senior football season, Gibson, a quarterback, got in trouble with the law. There was alcohol, probation violations and a break-in at a restaurant in Washougal.
He spent some time in jail, which led him to dropping out of school. For a time, Gibson was homeless, living in Portland, Seattle, Mexico, Hawaii, and making bad decisions, he said.
Then, one day, Gibson’s former middle school athletic director gave him a call and asked if he’d be willing to coach football.
“For some reason, that moment in time, before I’d even coached that first day, I decided I needed to clean my life up, because I was so excited to do that, but I can’t be around these kids and not be a good example,” he said.
He coached at Skyridge Middle School in Camas, got his high school equivalency diploma, and went to Central Washington University to earn a degree in psychology.
Gibson ended up coaching around the county, and got in on the house-flipping business at the start of the housing market crash.
A break in coaching gigs, he said, helped lead him to activism.
“I’ve always been passionate in terms of politics,” he said. “But it’s always been sitting in my house, complaining like everyone.”
He saw TV coverage of the June 2, 2016, violence at a Trump rally in San Jose, Calif., where protests turned to brawling.
What he saw, he said, was people being discouraged from participating in politics.
“That put a fire in me that I never experienced in my entire life,” he said. “Something changed in me at that moment in time, because at that point I decided that our country is not America anymore, and that was the first time I saw that.”
http://www.columbian.com/news/2017/jul/02/joey-gibson-aims-to-liberate-conservatives-via-his-patriot-prayer-group/ Дырками в системе пользуются и российские каналы RT и Sputnik. До сих пор они не только беспрепятственно распространяют пропаганду среди американцев, но и избегают регистрации в качестве агентов иностранного государства, делая вид, что работают, как независимые СМИ.
Но лафе приходит конец.
"Компания, которая занимается обслуживанием всего телеканала RT America в США, включая его текущую деятельность и телепроизводство, получила письмо из министерства юстиции США, в котором указано, что компания обязана зарегистрироваться в рамках закона "О регистрации иностранных агентов" ввиду тех работ, которые она выполняет для RT", - сообщили в пресс-службе телеканала.
https://ria.ru/mediawars/20170911/1502461420.html Одновременно стало известно о том, что ФБР расследует деятельность канала Sputnik.
The FBI recently questioned a former White House correspondent for Sputnik, the Russian-government-funded news agency, as part of an investigation into whether it is acting as an undeclared propaganda arm of the Kremlin in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
As part of the probe, Yahoo News has learned, the bureau has obtained a thumb drive containing thousands of internal Sputnik emails and documents - material that could potentially help prosecutors build a case that the news agency played a role in the Russian government “influence campaign” that was waged during last year’s presidential election and, in the view of U.S. intelligence officials, is still ongoing.
https://www.yahoo.com/news/sputnik-russian-news-agency-investigation-fbi-090024231.html У Маргариты Симоньян предсказуемая истерика.
"Нет никаких сомнений, что Россия ответит на расследование ФБР тем же, и сейчас начнут проверять работу американских журналистов в Москве. Все это более, чем отвратительно. Свобода слова вертится в гробу. Ее убили те, кто ее придумал", - заявила РИА Новости Симоньян.
https://ria.ru/mediawars/20170911/1502354743.html Эндрю Файнберг, который был корреспондентом Sputnik в Белом доме, а ныне сотрудничает с ФБР, рассказывал о своем опыте ранее.
“After the gas attack in Syria--that horrible sarin gas attack--I was asked to put questions to the White House that framed the issue in such a way that made it seem like the attack didn’t happen, that it was staged, things like that… They frame it like a reasonable question but it’s really pushing a narrative that doesn’t comport with reality. In another environment it would be a suggestion. At Sputnik it was an order.”
https://www.mediaite.com/tv/ex-sputnik-reporter-speaks-out-on-working-for-a-state-controlled-russian-outlet/ I began to realize that Sputnik’s mission wasn’t really to report the news as much as it was to push a narrative that would either sow doubts about situations that weren’t flattering to Russia or its allies, or hurt the reputation of the United States and its allies. Consider, for example, when Trump’s budget proposed massive cuts to foreign aid sent to Ukraine. While these decreases in funding were a result of across-the-board cuts to the State Department and other agencies, I was told to ask whether such cuts were related to unspecified “corruption” in Ukraine’s government. Instead of humiliating myself by asking such a stupid question on camera, I emailed a White House spokesperson. Considering how ridiculous the query was, I was not the least bit surprised when I got no reply.
http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/21/russian-propaganda-sputnik-reporter-215511 Ныне на Sputnik работает другой деятель: Ли Странахан, у которого с вопросами лжи и правды меньше заморочек. В своем последнем выступлении на Infowars, Странахан вывалил полный комплект
кремлевской конспирологической пропаганды: митинг нацистов в Шарлотсвилле организовал Сорос, чтобы устроить путч против Трампа подобно тому, как он устроил путч против Януковича в Украине.
As evidenced this weekend, a civil war is brewing in this country, laying the foundation for a violent coup to take out Trump. Soros-funded NGO's have been able to achieve regime change in other countries by quite literally teaming up with Neo-nazis and "moderate" terrorists. Now, investigative reporter Lee Stranahan reveals the same players involved in the Ukraine overthrow are working behind the scenes to oust President Trump.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L58T2dl997A Пропаганда только тогда становится эффективной, когда она забивает главный канал информации. Свободная пресса позволяет этой ситуации избежать, но ситуация меняется с распространением монополистических
социальных сетей вроде Фейсбук. Об этом алармистски пишет
Франклин Фоер:
Facebook represents a dangerous deviation in media history. Once upon a time, elites proudly viewed themselves as gatekeepers. They could be sycophantic to power and snobbish, but they also felt duty-bound to elevate the standards of society and readers. Executives of Silicon Valley regard gatekeeping as the stodgy enemy of innovation - they see themselves as more neutral, scientific and responsive to the market than the elites they replaced - a perspective that obscures their own power and responsibilities. So instead of shaping public opinion, they exploit the public’s worst tendencies, its tribalism and paranoia.