Does your usual opinion site run the same opinions on the same topics day after day? Quillette is a gust of fresh air: New voices & ideas, humane & reasoned, diverse not just in how its writers look but in how they think. Support it here: via @Quillette - Steven Pinker (@sapinker) August 4, 2019
Quillette поддерживает Пинкера.
As noted above, TOL [The Original Letter] initially appeared on social media posts on the afternoon of July 3, 2020. Within an hour of the earliest recoverable tweets from linguists sharing the letter, Claire Lehmann, Founding Editor of the online magazine Quillette, retweeted a tweet by research fellow and Quillette contributing author, Richard Hanania, which contained images and a link to TOL, adding the following sentence as context for her more than 207,000 followers: “Sixty-six linguists have signed this pathetic letter [link to Hanania 2020]. The accusations are as strong as a piece of warm lettuce” (Lehmann 2020). In the
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that time alan dershowitz confidently issued a challenge on TV that he would donate 10.000 dollars to the PLO if anyone found a false claim in his pro-israel propaganda book, and then got exposed and destroyed live on air by norman - ☀️👀 (@zei_squirrel) July 8, 2021
Академическую карьеру Нормана Финкельштейна уничтожил Алан Дершовиц.
In a full-court press against Mr. Finkelstein, Mr. Dershowitz lobbied professors, alumni and the administration of DePaul, a Roman Catholic university in Chicago, to deny him tenure. Many faculty members at DePaul and elsewhere decried what they called Mr. Dershowitz’s heavy-handed tactics
( ... )
Unz Review идентифицировали, как один из трансляторов российской пропаганды.
We know a lot more now then we did 4 years ago about Russia's Propaganda & Disinformation Ecosystem - Here’s a snapshot with additions from last week’s Treasury Department sanctions against Russia. - Clint Watts (@selectedwisdom) April 23, 2021
Хотя в последнее время там больше китайской пропаганды.
"Jew York Times Attacks China for Winning Too Many Olympic Medals" - Andrew Anglin - The Unz Review (@UnzReview) July 31, 2021
В 2003 в кружке Сейлера было около 150 человек. Сообщество трансгендеров обратило на него внимание после того, как один участник кружка, Майкл Бейли, опубликовал трансфобную книжку “The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism”, а другие участники, включая Стивена Пинкера, написали на неё положительные отзывы )
Jean-Phillippe Rushton, a prominent researcher on black genetic inferiority who is president of a pro-eugenics hate group, the Pioneer Fund;
Канадский психолог Раштон из кружка Сейлера финансировался Pioneer Fund, а с 2002 и до своей смерти в 2012 возглавлял этот фонд.
Rushton, who has been investigated for allegedly violating Canadian hate-speech laws, had been showered with Pioneer money before he assumed the group’s top post in 2002. For example, tax records from 2000 show that his institute received $473,835 - 73% of that year’s grants. By 2009, the fund was giving about $100,000 annually to Rushton through his university. As of 2009, the fund still had some $2 million to disburse, but its donor base had fallen to one man, Walter Kistler, an aged aeronautics pioneer. )
В 2020 факультет, где работал Раштон, официально открестился от него.
Although Rushton published on a variety of topics in the field of personality and individual differences, much of his research was racist, and attempted to find differences in intelligence between racialized groups and to explain them as caused by genetic differences between races
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«Тёмное просвещение», или «неореакционное движение», также известное просто как «неореакция» и сокращенно названное «NRx» его сторонниками, - антидемократическое и реакционное движение. Оно в целом отвергает эгалитаризм и мнение о том, что история показывает неизбежное продвижение в сторону большей свободы и просвещения…
Я понимаю, что вы любите менять смысл слов на противоположный, но равенство (égalité) - один из основных принципов Просвещения.
Принципы Протемнения пытался сформулировать Майкл Аниссимов:
1. People are not equal. They never will be. We reject equality in all its forms. 2. Right is right and left is wrong. 3. Hierarchy is basically a good idea. 4. Traditional sex roles are basically a good idea. 5. Libertarianism is retarded. 6. Democracy is irredeemably flawed and we need to do away with it.
Тоже глубокий мыслитель.
Why is Putin our "enemy," or Russia, aside from "meddling in election" claims? Because of Crimea alone? No. As someone in the comments of Sailer blog pointed out, it's because the left Jews dislike how Russia became stronger after demise of USSR and see Putin as symbolic of that. - Michael
( ... )
Comments 26
Пинкер поддерживает издание Quillette.
Does your usual opinion site run the same opinions on the same topics day after day? Quillette is a gust of fresh air: New voices & ideas, humane & reasoned, diverse not just in how its writers look but in how they think. Support it here: via @Quillette
- Steven Pinker (@sapinker) August 4, 2019
Quillette поддерживает Пинкера.
As noted above, TOL [The Original Letter] initially appeared on social media posts on the afternoon of July 3, 2020. Within an hour of the earliest recoverable tweets from linguists sharing the letter, Claire Lehmann, Founding Editor of the online magazine Quillette, retweeted a tweet by research fellow and Quillette contributing author, Richard Hanania, which contained images and a link to TOL, adding the following sentence as context for her more than 207,000 followers: “Sixty-six linguists have signed this pathetic letter [link to Hanania 2020]. The accusations are as strong as a piece of warm lettuce” (Lehmann 2020). In the ( ... )
that time alan dershowitz confidently issued a challenge on TV that he would donate 10.000 dollars to the PLO if anyone found a false claim in his pro-israel propaganda book, and then got exposed and destroyed live on air by norman
- ☀️👀 (@zei_squirrel) July 8, 2021
Академическую карьеру Нормана Финкельштейна уничтожил Алан Дершовиц.
In a full-court press against Mr. Finkelstein, Mr. Dershowitz lobbied professors, alumni and the administration of DePaul, a Roman Catholic university in Chicago, to deny him tenure. Many faculty members at DePaul and elsewhere decried what they called Mr. Dershowitz’s heavy-handed tactics ( ... )
We know a lot more now then we did 4 years ago about Russia's Propaganda & Disinformation Ecosystem - Here’s a snapshot with additions from last week’s Treasury Department sanctions against Russia.
- Clint Watts (@selectedwisdom) April 23, 2021
Хотя в последнее время там больше китайской пропаганды.
"Jew York Times Attacks China for Winning Too Many Olympic Medals" - Andrew Anglin
- The Unz Review (@UnzReview) July 31, 2021
( ... )
( ... )
( ... )
The Institute's main activity appears to be an "invitation-only" online discussion list for "a small, elite and eclectic mix of experts ( ... )
Канадский психолог Раштон из кружка Сейлера финансировался Pioneer Fund, а с 2002 и до своей смерти в 2012 возглавлял этот фонд.
Rushton, who has been investigated for allegedly violating Canadian hate-speech laws, had been showered with Pioneer money before he assumed the group’s top post in 2002. For example, tax records from 2000 show that his institute received $473,835 - 73% of that year’s grants. By 2009, the fund was giving about $100,000 annually to Rushton through his university. As of 2009, the fund still had some $2 million to disburse, but its donor base had fallen to one man, Walter Kistler, an aged aeronautics pioneer. )
Although Rushton published on a variety of topics in the field of personality and individual differences, much of his research was racist, and attempted to find differences in intelligence between racialized groups and to explain them as caused by genetic differences between races ( ... )
Русская Википедия пишет:
«Тёмное просвещение», или «неореакционное движение», также известное просто как «неореакция» и сокращенно названное «NRx» его сторонниками, - антидемократическое и реакционное движение. Оно в целом отвергает эгалитаризм и мнение о том, что история показывает неизбежное продвижение в сторону большей свободы и просвещения…
А знаки каждый может расставлять самостоятельно.
Враги свободы - это вы, левые, разве не так?
Принципы Протемнения пытался сформулировать Майкл Аниссимов:
1. People are not equal. They never will be. We reject equality in all its forms.
2. Right is right and left is wrong.
3. Hierarchy is basically a good idea.
4. Traditional sex roles are basically a good idea.
5. Libertarianism is retarded.
6. Democracy is irredeemably flawed and we need to do away with it.
Тоже глубокий мыслитель.
Why is Putin our "enemy," or Russia, aside from "meddling in election" claims? Because of Crimea alone? No. As someone in the comments of Sailer blog pointed out, it's because the left Jews dislike how Russia became stronger after demise of USSR and see Putin as symbolic of that.
- Michael ( ... )
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