we had to write about 'the crucible' for our english coursework. it's a very good play. also went to see some young performance group thingy do it at the pav theatre several thousand months ago, but their version was rubbish and every guy kept spitting (literally) their lines out.
you can have anhydrous (without water) copper sulphate as well as a copper sulphate solution that is purple. alexwillmaisiesarahthreewaykiss VOMmmmIT!~~~~~~~~~~
Comments 4
IVE GOT A SQUAREPUSHER REMIX OF "love will tear us apart" that you should really hear - it's well good.
I could tell you all this in person, since, you know, we live in same house, but the internet is so very glamarous.
Good christ am I jealous that you've finished exams.
alexwillmaisiesarahthreewaykiss VOMmmmIT!~~~~~~~~~~
seyoou tnigith
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