Masterlist (G-M)

Apr 08, 2010 20:16

Title: Gift
Author: paxlux
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Adam/Peter
Summary: Adam meets Peter and knows exactly what to do.
Warnings: None listed

Title: Good Night, Sweet Prince
Author: pforte
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Adam/Peter
Summary: pure porn
Warnings: Spoilers for season two

Title: Happily Ever After
Author: jaune_chat
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Adam/Peter
Summary: After rescuing themselves, Adam and Peter know the right time is now, and always.
Warnings: Slash, PWP, schmoop

Title: Happy Apocalypse
Author: see_bee_flee
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Adam/Peter, mention of Elle/Peter
Summary: The disadvantages of immortality are many; Peter and Adam decide to make the journey together.
Warnings: A bit of bondage, character death.

Title: Hate
Author: zooeyrye
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Adam/Peter
Summary: You know you're sick when it all makes sense. Follow-up to Crazy.
Warnings: Death, slash, violence

Title: He Gives Me Fever
Author: tju_tju_tju_tju
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Peter/Adam
Summary: “People,” Adam said casually, rubbing the fabric on his jacket with his thumb. “They’re rather like ants, don’t you think, Peter?”
Warnings: Mild sexual content, spoilers for season 2

Title: Heart of Riddles
Author: doctor_who_rulz
Rating: R
Pairing: Adam/Peter
Summary: None given
Warnings: None listed

Title: Hinterlands
Author: transtempts
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Adam/Sylar, Peter
Summary: Peter looks to solve a problem.
Warnings: None listed

Title: House Arrest
Author: seaouryou
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Peter/Adam
Summary: Adam gets a punishment fitting of his crime: an eternity with Peter. Crackfic.
Warnings: None listed

Title: In the Wall
Author: lovemyfaceoff
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Adam/Peter
Summary: Written for the Heroes Kink Meme. Prompt was Adam/Peter wall!sex in the wall.
Warnings: None listed

Title: Intersecting

Author: s8219

Rating: R

Pairing: Adam/Peter

Summary: A story about time, forgiveness and of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world...

Warnings: None listed

Title: ...It’s Rewards 
Author: yo_mawari
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Adam/Peter
Summary: Sequel to Freedom and… - What takes place after their last scene together in 02x08.
Warnings: PWP, Spoilers for 02x08, slight bondage

Title: It Just Isn’t Adam
Author: jemzamia
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Adam/Peter, Peter/Caitlin
Summary: Life in Ireland is great for Peter. It fits, but still Peter feels like there's something missing other than his memories.
Warnings: None listed

Title: Just Like Nathan
Author: menel
Rating: PG-13
Pairings:  Adam/Peter, strongly implied Nathan/Peter
Summary: After an unexpected death, Peter tries to quell his doubts regarding his relationship with Adam.
Warnings: High angst quotient

Title: Let the Punishment Fit the Crime
Author: brighteyed_jill
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Adam/Peter
Summary: Adam helps Peter learn from his mistakes.
Warnings: power play (d/s), graphic m/m sex, spoilers through “Four Months Ago”

Title: Lesson #1: Anger
Author: paxlux
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Adam/Peter
Summary: "This will do nicely. Where is the nearest town?"
Warnings: Knife, blood, smexing

Title: Losing Your Way
Next: Two
Author: entangled_now
Rating: R
Characters: Adam/Peter/Nathan
Summary: "I want to think someone would come for me-" Peter shakes his head, one quick movement. "I need to think someone would come for me."
Warnings: Unpleasant themes, mild gore

Title: Love Behind the Wall
Author: amisan
Rating: R
Pairings: Peter/Adam
Summary: Adam tries to coax Peter to try out his powers, Peter whines, sulks, and is sexy, and Peter is able to get through to Adam...literally. 
Warnings: Season 2 Spoilers

Title: Manticism
Author: eleanorb
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Adam/Peter
Summary: The art of divination.
Warnings: None

Title: Ménage
Author: tessykins
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Adam/Peter/Claude
Summary: None given
Warnings: Kink with bondage

Title: Mont-Royal
Author: manic_intent
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Adam/Peter
Summary: Peter finds out why Adam wanted him to go to Montreal.
Warnings: Spoilers up to 02x09

Title: More Than Another Bloody Christmas
Author: sarkywoman
Rating: PG
Pairing: Adam/Peter
Summary: No summary given.
Warnings: None

Update (4/08/10): Nocturnal, On the Road 1, Rapunzel, Your Favorite Slave, Yellow, The Cat and the Canary, Debt, Happily Ever After, Welcome to the Machine, Black, Strangers, Wish I Didn’t Need You, Wish I Didn’t Love You, Come Around, The Sun is Shining, The Man Who Sold the World

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