Prompt: Kurt gets the Glee club to participate [in Day of Silence]. Day of Silence, for those unaware, students going all day without speaking to memoralize/draw attention to others in the past who have been bullied, judged for their sexuality, or generally never had their voices heard. Would love to see how the gleekers are affected by the
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Comments 14
Great job on this entire story! If you want ideas to continue this a bit, I would really like to see the conversation between Kurt and Finn when they finally tell each other what had happened to them. (maybe Kurt mentions the other times too) *shrugs* just an idea. :)
You're welcome it was a great story!
This series is always the best part of my day when it's updated!!! I've been waiting for Kurt's part, and you made it so long (always yaaay)and emotional, and I love you!
And once I'm ready to go back to the angsty-ness again, I'm definitely writing Kurt and Finn talking with each other. :)
Add me to the list of people who'd love for a sequel.
This entire arch has so much potential, and not just in the obvious Kurt and Finn have a heart to heart kinda way, because the Karofskys' behavior is slowly snow balling into very dangerous territory. No matter how strong Kurt is, if he doesn't tell someone who can help soon he will be hurt.
Also I would like to take time to congratulate you on your Matt, for a character that really has no substance on the show (as of yet) you really fleshed him out quite well. I adore the idea of Matt making a good leader when the occasion arises.
I would love a sequel to this something along the line of (obviously) Finn and Kurt's talk, some more Matt POV, the escalation of the Karofskys' behavior and if you could sneak in a little of the aftermath of Britany and Santana's liplock and some Mercedes/Kurt/Mike friendship I would be eternally greatfull.
P.S. Hero!Puck is all kinds of love
sorry if demanding comment is ( ... )
I added you as a friend I hope that is okay.
I'm really glad you enjoyed it!! I should have the Finn/Kurt talking and brotherly bonding part up soon. :)
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